STEGANOGRAPHY (stɛɡ.əˈnɒɡ.rə.fi/, STEG-ə-NOG-rəfee) is the art and science of writing hidden messages in such a way that no one, apart from the sender and intended recipient, suspects the existence of the message, a form of security through obscurity. The word steganography is of Greek origin and means “concealed writing” from the Greek words steganos (στεγανός) meaning “covered or protected”, and graphei (γράφειν) meaning “writing”.
In simple words, Stenography is hiding something inside another entity or object, mostly it uses image. The key concept behind steganography is that the message to be transmitted is not detectable to the casual eye. In fact, people who are not intended to be the recipients of the message should not even suspected that the hidden message exists.
The first recorded use of the term was in 1499 by Johannes Trithemius in his Steganographia, a treatise on cryptography and steganography, disguised as a book on magic. The first recorded uses of steganography can be traced back to 440 BC when Herodotus mentions two examples in his Histories. Steganography is included in security through obscurity.
Usually used by terrorists, intelligence, or military in conveying the message purposed to security (encrypting messages, etc.), secrecy (e.g. archive document/file hidden on a image) , and also protect the copyright of a product (e.g. hidden watermark of company name).
There are now lot of softwares available for this practice like Anubis, MP3Stego, StegoShare, and much more. Other methods of this pratice used invisible ink which made by mixed fruits, milk and vinegar to write secret messages. By use the of this ink, the writings done with the ink will disappear. To see what is written, the paper is heated so written message can be seen. (as cited on Project Decode Chapter 18 - The Dark Side: read it here:
In this lecture, we will teach you how to hide texts in image using command prompt (CMD) in Windows (any versions) using simple DOS commands.
It doesn’t require you to install any additional softwares.
Kindly follow the instructions below: [WARNING: Do at your own risk!]
What you need :
a. Image file
b. Text file (containing the secret message)
c. Windows Operating System
Steps to follow :
1. Select the image which you want to share something.
2. Create the text file containing the secret message.
3. Place the image and the text file on the same directory or a path in the computer.
For this example:
At my desktop.
3. Go to Run, open open Command Prompt by typing "cmd".
4. Go to Path of the directory containing the files to be used.
For this example:
Kindly type cd desktop. Then hit Enter.
5. Enter the following command below and hit Enter:
copy /b <image filename> + <text filename> <new imagefilename> [take note of the filename with extensions]
For this example:
copy /b watson.jpg + secret.txt behold.jpg
PS. As you see, it has created a new image file, which now holds your secret message, in the same directory.
6. Share the image with all of your friends, anywhere. But only tell the intended person about the secret behind it.
PS. It is highly recommended to place the file within a folder or compress it before sharing it to someone. This is to prevent your efforts for being useless.
7. To view the secret message, right click on the new image and open it with Notepad.
8. Scroll down to the end of the file to view the message.
EXTREME NOTE: Use this only for educational purpose. Do at your own risk!
Your Cryptography
Chick-LitIt is all about to solve and teach every one codes and cipher.