Chapter 4: Accidentally Kiss

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Hello Nightmare again. Here's a another Ink x Error story! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter...

"Zzzzzzzzzzz................." Ink was still sleeping peaceful. He was coughing a lot in his sleep, but still sleeping peaceful.
It was Blueberry's turn to check on Ink, he look at him and still seeing him sleeping.
Blueberry went down stairs and go where Dream is.
"Is he awake yet?" Ask Dream.
"No, not yet." Replied Blueberry.
"He been sleeping for three whole freaking days!"
"I think Ink doesn't even sleep, or does he?..." Question Blueberry. Ink protects the AU's day and night not stopping to have a little break when Error try to destroy a AU's over and over.
"For being a guardian he need to learn how to treat himself to be healthy if his tired.." Dream pout.
"Hmmm....... Healthy for what?..."
Dream and Blueberry turn around to see Ink finally awake, he was still sleepy and a little bit of his fever is still there.
"INK!!" They both hug tackle Ink.
"WE WERE SO WORRY ABOUT YOU!!" They were really worry about Ink.
"Wow, wow! It's okay, I'm okay!" *cough cough*
"Ok a little bit okay...."
"Really said the one who been sleeping for three freaking days!"
Ink blink.
"........That long! And I still have this fever!" *gasp*
"Did Error destroy the AU's!!!???" Question Ink.
"Calm down Ink, and actually no...... Error didn't actually destroy a AU today or three days when you were sleeping.
"Wait! If Error didn't destroy a AU yet, what did he do for the pasted three days?" Question Ink.

Three Days Before...

"AHhhhHHHHhhHhH!!!!!!!!! GeT! oUt! oF! mY! HeaAD!!!!!!!¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡!!!!!!!!" Error hitting himself on the hand to get Ink out of his mind.

Presented Time...

"Ahhhhhh! My head is still pounding." Ink rubs his head.
"We really need to find you some medicine." Said Dream.
"How about we get this new medicine from Underflame!" Said Blueberry on the computer looking for a medicine to buy online.
"Underflame? Never heard that AU before?" Question Dream.
"It's a new AU and the creator did a every creative AU.." Said Ink. (Aww! Stop it, you flatter me...)
"What's the medicine called?" Ask Dream.
"It's call Flaming Syrup. Effects may have you breathing fire, tongue numbness, spit acid, hot temper control, super energetic, and ects." Blueberry reads the side effects of the medicine.
"Should we get it?" *cough cough* Said Ink coughing a bit.
"It doesn't sale online yet, you kinda need to go to that AU and get it yourself." Said Blueberry.
"I go get the medicine..." Ink open a portal.
"But Ink your still sick!" Said Dream with a worry tone.
"A little sick, I just get the medicine and that's it okay."
"You promise, Ink?" Said Blueberry and Dream.
"I promise, I'll be right back, ok!"
Ink close the portal and he was at Underflame the new AU.
"Ok, where to get that medicine? I think I have to go to Underflame's alphys to get the medicine."
Ink walk around to find aphlys' lab. And he notice some particular flowers.
"Flowers? Huh, guess there not blooming yet?"
Ink saw a sign next to the flowers.
"Flaming flowers, it shows the emotions how you feel... And good to show the person you love to give as a gift to the heart of love..." Ink finish reading the sign.
"Aww! That very sweet and cute..." Ink continued to walk around to find alphys' lab again.

WIth ErRoR...

I CaN't gEt iNk oUt oF mY hEAd!!!!!!! WIth hiS StuPiD SMiLe!!!!¡¡¡¡ ANd HiS StUpID FaCe!!!! I HaTe iT oS mUcH!!!!!¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ aNd I HatE hIs stUpId...aDoRabLe sMalL iNk mArK oN hIs dUmd FAcE!!! AnD hIs cUtE aDoRabLe sMiLe... HeheHEhE...." Error just realize what he just said and glitch out.
SNaP oUt oF it!!!!!¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ WhAt aRe tHeSe fEeLiNgs thAt I'm FeElInG rIgHt nOw!!!!!!¡¡¡¡¡¡ aNd whAt I'm I sAyiNg!!!!!!!¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
Error puts his hands over his face to cover his blushing. He had it and go to a AU and destroy it by force and violence. Error choose a random AU because he was to mad and pissed to choose which one. And choose Underflame...

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