Alec: The Wilde Brothers (Chapter 3)

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Dahlia didn't miss the looks thrown her way from coworkers as she walked toward her desk—something had happened.

She checked to make sure her blouse hadn't popped open, revealing an errant boob, or that something—a pen or coffee—hadn't left a mark on the front of her clothes that she had somehow missed.

Was her nose running? She swiped her hand across it to check.

She understood the wide-eyed stares only when she was within ten feet of her desk and saw the massive bouquet of flowers on it. What was that, five dozen roses? With gorgeous red and white buds arranged beautifully in a stunning gold vase amongst baby's breath and other supporting emerald stems?

Surely there had been a mistake; perhaps someone had meant to deliver the flowers to the cubicle next to hers.

"What the...?" She realized the words had slipped very loudly from her mouth instead of staying in her head.

Her next-door cubicle neighbor, Susan, giggled, light blue eyes riveted.

"Girrrrl. That's what we've been saying. Someone's been a very good—or a very bad—girl."

Envy, Dahlia realized. Amazement and awe. And curiosity. That's what she had seen on all the nearby faces while she walked up to this spectacle.

Dahlia went straight for the greeting card and noticed a second bouquet placed on the ground—calla lilies flanked by purple roses. Who knew how much she loved calla lilies?

She lifted the card from that one as well while admiring the flowers.

Would love the chance to see you face to face.—A Secret Admirer, said the first card.

Then she read the second card: Text yes to the number on the back of this card and I will make arrangements at The Golden Swan. Send day and time.

Dahlia caught her breath. Her favorite restaurant? She had only gone there once, and it had been the best thing about her date.

She almost texted yes immediately.

Then it occurred to her who the flowers were likely from. But surely such thoughtful beauty couldn't have come from that creepy asshole?

She flipped the card over to see if she would recognize the phone number and found another message printed there as well.

I will keep asking, one way or another until you say yes.

A shiver went through her. She wasn't sure if she should be scared or flattered.

Dahlia examined the lush bouquets and wondered whether or not to take them home at the end of the day.

She decided to take home the calla lily bouquet and leave the roses behind to beautify her otherwise drab, empty stall for the week. Besides, that particular bouquet was probably too heavy for her to carry anyway.

But who was she kidding? The flowers made her smile and feel desirable, and she loved the green it painted her coworkers with.

Still, although she appreciated her admirer's grand gesture, she did not have an answer for him just yet.

* * *

Alec stared at the prepaid phone, waiting for Dahlia's text. There was no way he'd put his real number out there just yet—not until she was giving him a shot. Besides, any of those broads in her office might be nosy enough to read the cards for her and end up with access to him; he couldn't risk it. As soon as Dahlia texted yes he would dump the burner phone and move to the next step.

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