Live With Us

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"I want him to live with me. Thats all!" I said leaning back into my chair.

"Okay, i will prepare the papers and send them to your husband. The court will decide after that!"

"Okay! Well, what do you think about this case? I mean, how many chances are there that i will get his full custody!"

"Im 90% sure that ball will be in our court. Your husband hid him from you for four years and you are capable of taking good care of him financially. In the end, its for the judge to decide who will win. And, they can also ask Nairan with whom does he wants to live!"

I completely forgot about that part. Nairan's opinion is also important. I can't just force him to leave his house and move in with me. But maybe, he will agree.
My lawyer left my office and said that he will prepare the documents by monday.

Days rolled by and finally came the weekend. I did my usual routine and turned on the tv. Finiding nothing interesting to watch, i decided to read a book. Im not that much of a book reader but i love reading them in my free time. Books are our best friends and never let us feel alone, no matter how lonely we are. I picked up one from my library and sat down in my balcony with the book in my lap. It was about a  six year old child who starts seeing an imaginary friend because his mother is too carefree to even realise that she has a son and his father, well his father refused to accept him because that was just a one night stand for him. He lives with his aunt who is too busy in her work that she can't give him anything other than financial support.

My thoughts drifted to Nairan and I couldn't help but think that if he feels the same. What if he is lonely inside. But he has a father and a mother too! No matter how badly karan treated me but I can't ignore the fact that he loved kids and always wanted one. Even when we used to talk about having kids, he already had plans about what kind of clothes and toys he will buy for them and how he will spend his time with them and how he will do his best to make them a good person in life.

A faint smile played on my lips as I recalled those memories. Things would have been so different if he had given me a chance to explain. The clock rang and I jumped up from my seat only to find out it was 4 pm now. I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't realise I spent five hours just sitting in my chair reading a book. I changed my clothes into a black t-shirt and blue shorts and tied my hair into a ponytail. I drove as fast as I could and reached park by 4:20.

I went in and saw my little kid sitting on a bench with his arms folded across his chest and his nanny sitting on his side feeding him something but he look least interested, clear from the cute frown on his even cute face. I ran upto him and picked him up in my arms so fast that he couldn't understand what did just happen. I started spinning and after some seconds, when he realised that it's me, he joined in and started giggling. I stopped and kissed his forehead.

"I'm so sorry babyyyyy!"

"Huh! Not accepted. Where were you? I was waiting for you!"

"I'm so sorry I completely forgot the time. It won't happen again. I promise!"

"Only this time okay? I'm forgiving you because I love you. Papa has to buy me chocolate when I get angry with him!"

"Hmm... so that means you love me more than your father!"

"No. I love him so much. He is the best. He always plays with me and feeds me himself. He even put me in my bed every night. All my friends say that their mothers do all this for them. But my papa takes batter care of me than my mother. I love him so much!"

I was pleased by the fact that karan was taking good care of Nairan. I knew he would. He has always been a great person at heart. He still is. I don't know what made him react that way that night but I just can't forget those eyes which looked at me like I have committed the biggest sin ever. 

Don't think about him.



"Can I ask you something?"


"If I ask you to move in with me at my home. Will you leave your papa and come with me?"

He fell silent. His face showed the expression that he was fighting whether to say yes or no. I knew he loved me but he loved Karan equally. For a moment, I regretted even asking him that question.

"It's okay Nairan. I understand. You don't have to answer!"

"I love my papa so much and I love you as well. I want to live with you but I can't leave papa either. Why don't you come live with us instead? We will have lots of fun!"

Live with us.

Live with Karan and him.

Live with Karan.

Seeing karan everyday.

" Umm.... but what about your mumma?"

"Mumma is hardly home. Papa says she don't live with us anymore. I don't know why but I never liked her. I'm happy that she is gone now!"

Natasha left the house? Or karan made her leave? Did he made her leave because of me?

Stop thinking about him. Again.

"Uh.. okay! I will think about it!"

He nodded and we spent our time enjoying rides and eating ice-cream. Soon, it was 7 pm and his nanny came to us informing they have to leave now.

"His dad is here to reciece him!"

Why is he here?

"Okay. Let's go Nairan!"

I held his hand and dropped him to where Karan had parked his car. Nairn got inside after giving me a hug and making me promise that I won't be late next time.

"How are you Naina?" He asked as soon asked Nairan and his nanny got into the car.

"I'm good!"

"Great. Uh..I wanted to ask you something!"

"Go ahead!"

"I know you're upset with me but I. .. uh... really want you to give me chance. Can you... like.. go out with me someday?" He stammered.

I stared into those chocolate brown eyes again to find any hidden agenda but couldn't find any. His eyes showed hurt and loneliness. I hurt him. But he had hurt me as well.

"Okay. I will go!"

I don't know what made me say yes but as soon as I said those words, I saw that precious smile on his face and I couldn't feel more blessed.

"Thank you so much Naina!" He said taking my hand into his. "Let me drop to your car!"

"No its okay. Nairan is waiting. You should go. I will manage!" I said pulling my hands.

"Okay! I'll pick you up at 7 tomorrow. I promise I won't disappoint you this time!" He said and sat in his car.

I really hope that you won't, Karan!


Umm... okay! It's short but I really wanted to end it here. Maybe I'll post another chapter tonight. I can't say for sure.

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