Chapter Two

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Anthony stared into the mirror, admiring and astonished by how a few little changes, can change everything about the overall appearance. He placed his cap on his head and took a deep breath. He was still looking for the reason he had done it, trying to understand how it all happened, why exactly had he agreed to it. Nonetheless, he was proud of it, after all, his family had done it for generations.

He moved towards his table, where now lay the fruit of his doings, placed in a black bag. No one deserves to see this key. This was the key to Anthony’s new and better future. Money, recognition, mysterious works, this was how his family, how god had planned his life to be --- and this is what Anthony wanted.

He strode towards his dusty couch and sat on it with a thump. Dust flew around him. “Ugh! What a horrible life!” Anthony exclaimed as he looked at his one bedroom house in disgust. His bedroom was just a jungle of furniture placed carelessly and cleaned once in a blue moon. Kitchen? It would be almost wrong to call it that. It was just a set of cupboards and an unused cook top. Life’s too short to cook. Eat out, or better, why eat at all? Anthony took out his cell phone from his denim jeans pocket and glanced at the time staring back at him from the screen. 11:37 PM.  In 10 minutes or so the consigliere will contact me and tell me what to do with the key. Every passing minute felt like an year to him.

To escape from the anxiety of the forthcoming call, Anthony brushed of the dust from the old, tattered black t-shirt he was wearing. With a few tweaks on his face, and a change in costume, Anthony looked like a totally new person. One that was even unknown to him, yet the change that will be brought with it, he will not regret. Soon the consigliere will know I am trustworthy and in no time the ceremony will take place. With the ceremony done, I will be able to showcase my true power and skill. A broad smile spread on Anthony’s face, followed by an almost evil grin. He pulled his short t-shirt down, pressing it for a while in the right position so that it would stay. In the process, Anthony got a glimpse of his six-pack-abs through the cloth. Even at the age of 40, Anthony had managed to stay in shape by running and weight lifting. Staying fit was more of an addiction than of an interest to him.

Slipping his iPhone back into his jeans pocket, Anthony wiped his hands on his thighs. Why am I worried? Is this fear? Anthony thought to himself. The process of obtaining the key gave him enough time to re-think, to turn back, change his mind and refuse to choose this path in life. However, once it was done, it was done.

And it really was done.

There was no going back now. How could he? His whole family was into this, they had all worked hard to obtain their keys. It was his time now.

Anthony walked towards the mirror again, too attracted towards his transformation. Till today he was a normal man, earning to survive. Tonight, he was a post-delivery man. By tomorrow, he’d be so much more. Anthony couldn’t help but smile on how just one picture had changed everything.

Then came one long story.

Then one suggestion.

One agreement.

One decision.

One shot.

And it was done. Just over. Now he stood in front of the mirror, racing through his thoughts and trying to picture what tomorrow would bring and how –

Triiinnnggg Tringggg Trinngg

- Anthony’s phone began ringing. Causing his thigh to vibrate and heart to race. He took out his phone being sure it was the call he had been waiting for.

But it was not.

It was rather a familiar name staring at him from the phone. Why is she calling me at this time? The iPhone showed 11:55 PM. Not being in the mood to hold any call rather than the one he was waiting for, he switched his phone off and put it back in his pocket.

Triing triiinnnng triinggg

It began to ring again. Anthony took his phone out sensing it was the same person calling. Well, it must be something important. Anthony picked up the call this time.

“What’s the time right now?” a girl’s voice boomed with happiness on the other side of the line. It was as if it were the best day of her life.

“Ace, cut it now. Tell me what’s wrong. Why are you calling so late?” Anthony spoke in a hurried tone. Almost worried that in the midst of this conversation, he wouldn’t be free for the call he’d been waiting for.

“Oh come on…why such less excitement? Ok, till me what’s the date today?” the girl’s voice replied with enthusiasm and excitement.

“Umm…I don’t know…stop playing games with me and tell me what’s up ace.” Anthony replied, thoroughly annoyed now.

“FINE. Have it your way!” the girl spoke angrily, with unmistakable sarcasm

Almost instantly, knocking began on Anthony’s door. Anthony sprang up from his sofa and strode towards the door. Peeking through the curtains he could make out about a handful of people standing in front of his house. And one girl knocking on the door relentlessly with one hand, as she held her phone to her ear with the other.

Anthony remained immobile.

“Open the door at least!” the girl spoke through the phone, though Anthony could hear her voice through his door as well.

“Ace, it’s not the right time, I can’t open right now. Go home, we can talk tomorrow”

“But this moment won’t come tomorrow”

“Ace please, just tell me what it is, and we’ll – “

Anthony heard the sound of keys on his door and stopped speaking.

“Ace please I can’t have visitors right now, it’s not the right time right now, what is it today?” Anthony began speaking worriedly. Certainly, if someone saw the huge black bag lying on the table, things could go terribly wrong. And if someone decide to look inside – Oh God.

“Ace please, just tell me what it is with today, we can talk tomorrow and…” Anthony was truly regretting giving a pair of keys to his house to his favourite girl.

“But this moment won’t come tomorrow!” the girl’s voice boomed with boundless excitement now. Anthony sensed that his door was about to be flown open in a matter of seconds.

“But what is it about today that can’t be –“

Anthony didn’t get his answer.

--- At least not through the phone.

A bunch of familiar faces raced into his house, all led by the girl with the phone in her hand.

They screamed in unison as they entered –

“Happy Birthday Mr. – “

It was followed by utter shock and silence.

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