chapter 2

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the next morning, i had gotten ready to get some coffee at the nearest Starbucks. last night went well after talking with jack. classes don't start until next week so this whole week i'm going to explore around the campus. meet new people.

i was wearing high waisted shorts with a white crop tank top, with of course my white converses. as i leave my room i see jack walking into the kitchen shirtless. wow. i said in my head. "good morning sleepy head" he said as he grabbed a water bottle. "sleepy head?" i said.

"yeah it's 12:00pm" he chuckled. "no way your kidding" i chuckled. i shrugged went to grab my purse. "want anything from Starbucks? i haven't gotten a chance to buy food for the fridge" i said. "how bout i just go with you so we could go to the grocery store." he said. i nodded. "let me put a shirt on and my shoes own then we can leave." he said.

i went to sit on the couch, i pulled out my phone and started texting my bestfriend maggie.

me: hey biiiitttcccchhh 😙
maggie: bitch you never texted me when you got there 😢
me: how do you know i'm here?
maggie: snapchat location duh 🤦🏻‍♀️

we continued talking until jack left his room, "we can go in my car if you want." i nodded.

we walk out of our room, jack locking the door. we talked the whole way to his car. "you literally have my dream car." i said admiring it. "you can use it whenever you want." he smiled. "your joking right." i stuttered.

"no, you can use it whenever." he smiled. "i have two cars here." he said. "wow rich people goals." i said. "where's your car?" he asked.

"uh.. that old toyota over there." i sighed. "how bout we sell it? bc you won't need it anymore." he said. i thought about it and agreed with him.

once we left the garage we went to starbucks. as jack parked i pulled out my wallet just to have it ready. "what are you doing?" he asked. "i'm paying for starbucks?" i said. "no i'm paying." he chuckled.

i groaned and nodded. we ordered and once we got our drinks we left. jack drove to the grocery store, once we got there we went in.

"what kind of food do you like?" i asked. "anything is fine." he said. i nodded, i grabbed all the necessary things and went to pay.

as we left, jack said he would just pull up in front. he saw that when i picked up a bag it pained me. jack opened the trunk and put everything in.

i get in his car, "what do you want to do now?" i asked. "we can go back to the dorm, cook food and watch a movie?" he said. "i like that idea." i laughed.

we made it to campus and brought everything into the dorm. "hey is it okay if i invite some of my friends?" jack said. i nodded. was a i ready to be around a lot of guys, that i don't know?

i put everything away, and went to my room. i picked out some shorts and one of Matt's shirt, i put it on and put my socks on.

i laid down on my bed and picked up my phone, as i was going to text maggie jack had knocked on the door. "come in" i said. he walked in and sat on the edge of my bed.

"are you sure you're okay with them coming?" he asked. "yeah it's fine jack, im not gonna be scared of every guy." i sighed. "they won't do anything to you, they aren't like that." he smiled. i nodded, "let me start cooking then." i said.

he followed behind me and went into the kitchen, "what are you making?" he asked. "chicken parmesan with spaghetti" i smiled. "my favorite!" he said. i chuckled.

as i was putting the chicken into the oven someone knocked on the door. "i got it" jack said. since i wasn't facing the door i couldn't see who it was. "hey i hope you don't mind i brought one of my friends, his name is Mark."

no. it can't be him. no. i turned around to see him. he saw me. i dropped the glass of water i had in my hand. i started to cry. i ran out the kitchen into my room. i locker the door and just cried. all i could hear was jack knocking on the door begging me to open.

how does he know jacks friends? he knows we're i live now. i can't do this. i want to leave. jack gave up on knocking, so i thought.

i heard someone knocking but it wasn't jack bc jack calls my name when he knocks. i opened the door slightly, to see him. "let me in" he said. i opened the door. i was crying even more.

"why the fuck would you make it so obvious! do you want me to fucking hurt you again?" he said. i backed away which made him get closer to me. he started to grab my arm tightly. i screamed jacks name.

he came in running. and yanked mark off of me. "what the fuck dude?!" jack yelled. "kelsey is this him?" jack asked. i nodded and felt all the tears falling down my face. "GET OUT." jack yelled. jacks friends came in and told mark to leave.

jacks friends made him leave. which left jack and i alone. "i'm so sorry kelsey. if i knew sam was gonna bring a friend i would have asked who the guy was first.

"it's not your fault or your friends fault. im okay. just forget this happened." i said getting up. i left my room and walked into the kitchen.

i started serving everyone their food and put it on the table. once i was done i went back to my room and locked the door.

i fell asleep crying.

Roommates / j.gWhere stories live. Discover now