A Wolf Meets A Raven

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With You, 9 Years Old

You were at school just sitting alone at one of the benches. Most people around you didn't like you or want to talk to you because you were a wolf faunus. People would flick your ears, or step on your tail sometimes. Honestly, you didn't care, but deep down, you were lonely beyond belief. One day, while sitting alone, you notice a girl with Raven black hair sitting alone as well. She had wolf ears, meaning she was a wolf faunus like you. She wore black and red clothes, her skin was pale white, and she had red eyes. She looked lonely as well, so you brought up enough courage and walked over to her. She noticed you coming towards her, and sat up straight.

Y/N: Hi.

???: Hello.

Y/N: I'm Y/N. What's your name?

Raven: Raven, Raven Brawnwen.

Y/N: I see your a wolf faunus.

Raven: Do you have a problem with that too?

Y/N: Nope! *wolf ears perk up and tail sways back and forth*

Rvaen: *surprised* Your a wolf faunus too!?

Y/N: Yeah! Hey, do you wanna be friends?

Raven's eyes sparkled hearing this. You wanted to be friends with her. She had only dreamed of having actual friends. She sprung up and hugged you.

Raven: Yes! Thank you!

Y/N: U-Uhh, yeah, of course *blushes and sways tail*

Raven: Wanna go to the swings?

Y/N: Yeah!

You and Raven ran over to the swingset, and Raven jumped on.

Raven: Y/N! Push me!

Y/N: Okay!

You began to lightly push her, and she swung higher and higher. With each swing, she was giggling and having fun. You were laughing in enjoyment as well, and spent the rest of the day playing with Raven. 

Timeskip, after school

You just got out of school, and when you looked left, you saw something that made you angry. Three bullies were tugging and pulling on Raven's ears. You growled at them, and dropped your things. You stomped your way over there, and just when one of the bullies was gonna do it again, you caught his arm.

Bully 1: What the? Hey, let go freak!

Y/N: Leave her alone!

You threw the bully away from Raven, and stood in front of her. She whimpered behind you from the pain she felt when they pulled on her sensitive ears.

Y/N: Raven, are you okay?

Raven: Y-Y/N...

She clung to the back of your shirt, and the bullies began to surround the two of you.

Bully 1: You're dead meat now wolfie.

Bully 2: You should've just gone and play fetch.

Bully 3: Now we're really gonna hurt you freaks.

???: What was that young man?

The three bullies froze when they heard the voice behind them. When they turned around, they saw both the Principal, and Vice Principal of the school.

Principal: Will you please take these three to my office.

Vice Principal: Of course. Come children, we will discuss this inside.

Wolves Stick Together: RWBY X Wolf Faunus Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now