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I hope you guys do enjoy these oneshot things let me know if they suck!!

●I hope you guys do enjoy these oneshot things let me know if they suck!!

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lilyevans: At @_peter.pettigrew_ house and this is one of his bedroom walls it's filled with pictures of people he loves and I'm in many of them!!! Love you Wormtail😙
remuslupin: That's really cute I can see I'm in some too @_peter.pettigrew_
james_potter:  THIS IS SO CUTE AND AWESOME!! @_peter.pettigrew_
_peter.pettigrew_: I love you too Lilybug, Course you are @remuslupin Thanks Prongs @james_potter

remuslupin: Out for a walk with my boyfriend @siriuslyhotaf and I ened up falling on concrete and scraped myself up

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remuslupin: Out for a walk with my boyfriend @siriuslyhotaf and I ened up falling on concrete and scraped myself up. Hurts really badly.
lilyevans: Awww baby do you want me to come over??
remuslupin: No its okay @lilyevans Padfoots with me.
lilyevans: Make sure to clean and cover your scrapes and put cream on your bruises don't want you to get an infection.
james_potter: Damn Moony you okay??? How badly does it hurt out of 10?
remuslupin: Will do Lilybug @lilyevans I'm okay @siriuslyhotaf is taking care of me and it's probably a 7 not the worst I've had but quite sore @james_potter

james_potter: Damn Moony you okay??? How badly does it hurt out of 10?remuslupin: Will do Lilybug @lilyevans I'm okay @siriuslyhotaf is taking care of me and it's probably a 7 not the worst I've had but quite sore @james_potter

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james_potter: Took this with @lilyevans last week. 😍❤
siriuslyhotaf: Isn't that Moony's shirt?? I'm 100% sure it is.
lilyevans: Yeah I took it when I was his last month. @siriuslyhotaf
remuslupin: I was wondering where that disappeared off to @lilyevans
lilyevans: Do you want it back? @remuslupin
remuslupin: Nah keep it. Looks good on you @lilyevans

siriuslyhotaf: My baby got all scratched up on our walk 😭😭 @remuslupin james_potter:  That looks bad,take good care of him!! lilyevans: Did he clean his wounds properly??siriuslyhotaf: Yeah he did I helped him dont worry @lilyevans_peter

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siriuslyhotaf: My baby got all scratched up on our walk 😭😭 @remuslupin
james_potter:  That looks bad,take good care of him!!
lilyevans: Did he clean his wounds properly??
siriuslyhotaf: Yeah he did I helped him dont worry @lilyevans
_peter.pettigrew_: Tell Moony I'll come over later with some coffee from his favourite cafe
siruslyhotaf: Will do @_peter.pettigrew_
remuslupin: He's being all motherly with me @james_potter I cleaned them just fine Sirius helped me @lilyevans will you really Peter I'll love you forever!! @_peter.pettigrew_


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_peter.pettigrew_: Enjoying a nice cup of coffee with @lilyevans at my house
siriuslyhotaf: I want coffee now
lilyevans: We can bring some for you when we get Moony's @siriuslyhotaf
james_potter: Ooh get me something too @lilyevans
_peter.pettigrew_: Okay we will @james_potter

I decided to write a fact about me on each chapter I've gone back and written them on the previous ones, feel free to check  them out. They are at the bottom of the page with anext to them.

I'm really awkward when talking to people and have social anxiety.
I realised i forgot to put the most obvious one down. I'm a female.

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