You're a Serpent

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Carter's POV

It's been a crazy couple of days here in Riverdale. Toni was right when she said that there was a war coming. It all began when The Red Circle video went viral. Next thing we know is that the Serpents came knocking on our front door and an "Organized" fight broke out. It ended with Dilton getting stabbed by one of the Serpents.

"I did what Weatherbee asked. Wrote an apology letter, posted a new video apologizing some more." My brother explains to me as I nodded. "So The Red Circle is officially over, huh?" I ask him as he nods. "Can't say I'm not sad to see it go, but I have been missing my brother." I say smiling at him as he smiles and hugs me. When we pull back his phone goes off and I see it's a text from Betty.

"Are you okay with walking to school alone today?" Archie asks as I nodded. "Yeah, Go the blonde beauty is waiting." I say chuckling as he goes out the front door. Cheryl has been having early River Vixen practice, So she hasn't been able to give me a ride to school. I completely understood though because I'd never would want to hold her back from her passion.

I grabbed my backpack from the ground of my bedroom and looked at the flash cards Toni had made me. She made them so that I could start mesmerizing the Serpents laws. Since my girlfriend and I already were taking care of one of "The Beast's" cubs, Tall Boy said I could skip that part of the initiation. Plus they were saving the Beast for when Jughead decided to join.

I grabbed the flash cards from off my nightstand and started to make my way to school. I read over the laws until I got to the front doors before I entered the school I stashed them away in my bag. "And there's my beautiful girlfriend. What took you so long, Carterkins?" Cheryl asks me as I approach her at our lockers. "I took long way today. Just needed to clear my mind I guess." I told her shrugging as she wraps her arms around my neck and I rested my hands on her hips.

"You know I don't like being kept waiting." She says smirking at me as I chuckle. "Sorry Cher, is there anyway I can make it up to you?" I say looking up at the gorgeous redhead. "I can think of a few." She says as she leans in to kiss my lips lighting the flames in my stomach. "Okay while you two are cute I have a favor to ask you, Carter." Josie says causing us to pull back.

"The famous Josie asking me for a favor?" I ask jokingly as the singer rolls her eyes. "I'm only joking. What's up?" I ask her smiling. "We need a guitarist for our performance in SoDale. Do you by any chance know "Out Tonight" from Rent?" She asks as my eyes widened. "Are you kidding? Rent is one of my favorite musicals! I have played that song only about a million times in my bedroom." I say enthusiastically. As the Pussycat giggles at my excitement.

"So you'll play with us then?" Josie asks as I nodded. "Wouldn't miss it for the world." I say smiling as she hugs me. "I knew I could count on you." I smiled and hugged the older girl back. The bell rings as we all sighed. "Well that's our cue. Will I see you at lunch today?" Cheryl asks me as I shook my head reluctantly. "No Jughead's helping study for my English test. But I'll see you later, okay?" I asked her as she nods placing a soft kiss on my cheek. "Don't make it too long of a wait, Carterkins." She says walking away.

I sighed as I walked to my first class. There wasn't an English test today. I was really going to the Southside, so that I could see what I was getting myself into before agreeing to anything. I hated lying to Cheryl, but I know she'd flip if I was even considering joining the Serpents.


"Someone's been studying." Toni says making me jump. "Jesus. A warning would've been nice, Badass." I say as I shook my head at the girl. "Sorry Rockstar, I just saw the opportunity and took it. Let's see here." She says taking the flashcards from me. "What's the fifth law?" She asks me as I thought about it and then it came to me. "A Serpent never betrays it's own."

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