Chapter 1: Backstory (Edited)

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Chapter 1: Backstory (Edited)~

Willow's POV

I sat in my room thinking about how my alarm would go off in a couple of minutes.

I couldn't sleep tonight because of something people said to me at school yesterday.

You're such a weirdo.

A nerd like you deserves to eat alone in the library.

Come on nerd fight back!! Or are you just a pathetic book- worm!!

I wasn't pathetic. I wasn't! And yet I let them bully me. I let them bully a fighter.

Yes, I fight. I am a loyal.....well, I would say ninja but, I'm not a ninja and I don't know spinjtsu.

See my mom put me in martial art classes and, heh, actually mostly all martial art classes when I was 4 and now I'm 15 and graduated highest out of all of my classmates, but that's just in all of my martial art classes because little do the bullies know I can kick their sad behinds all the way to the tombs of the serpentine.

But, sadly, I can't do that, it would go against the rule I set to blend in as a normal teenager. The thing I'm most nervous about isn't actually the bullies themselves, it's that we have a field trip to the wind farms today, and my partner is Josh.(sorry to all the people named Josh!! I just wanted a simple guy name! Please don't be offfended!)

Josh is the main bully in my school. So naturally he's the most popular guy too. And since high school is sooo cliche, he gets the most popular girl in school, Ashley. Ashley the Queen Bee. Other people call her the other 'b'-word, but I don't curse so, yeah.

One of the reasons that my parents had me take martial arts is because they are really paranoid and want me to be able to protect myself. They say that one day the world might be under the attack of evil and they want me to be able to be strong enough to survive.

My parents are just regular ole' parents, they obviously love me and want me to be happy and safe.

I got up and looked at my alarm clock that read:


Ugh!! I thought it said 6:30!! School doesn't start until 7:30am. Guess I have more than a couple minutes until my alarm goes off at 6:45.

I rolled out of bed and went over to my window, opened it and climbed out onto the fire escape and stood there looking at Ninjago City.

'Ninjago is beautiful at night.' I thought, continuing to look at the city that was still shrouded in darkness.

I sighed,"Guess I could fit in an hour of training before I get ready." I said.

I climbed back into my room and went over to my dresser to grab all of my workout clothes. I changed then headed to our workout room which is across the hall.

Now you all might be thinking wouldn't her parents hear her? No. The walls in our apartment building are unusually thick, and my parents already left for work, they're police officers.

I walked across the hall and headed inside to work on some new techniques.

I was punching the punching bag while thinking about what was going to happen later on today.

Josh flipping Wells was my partner and we had to fill out a worksheet together. Josh flipping Wells just had to be the nerd's partner, and I don't know if the nerd would be able to keep her anger in check this time.

Josh had this tendency to be really annoying, and really stupid. He eggs people on until he gets the expected reaction, but unfortunately for him (and fortunately for us) that means a usual punch or slap in the face.


That was was the sound I heard as I watched the punching bag go flying and hit the ground with a thud.

Huh, guess I wasn't in a good mood today. Oh, who am I kinding!! I'm so scared that I might let my anger get the best of me and beat Josh's sorry behind back where it came from.


I turned off my alarm and headed across the hall to my room. I grabbed my clothes and went to take a shower. The clothes I have to wear to make me look like a nerd are sad, I chose to wear a worn out baggy Beatles t-shirt and some faded jeans, and of course my ratty converse.

After my shower I headed downstairs to grab food then walk the couple blocks to school, well more like run, so I downed my couple granola bars in record time and dashed outside while grabbing my bag, keys to the apartment, and my shoes, hat and sweatshirt.

I ran down the stairs because everyone knows that the elevator is as slow as a snail in this apartment building, but the good news is that their fixing it next week!!

Any way I ran outside and all the way to school never once breaking a sweat. When I got there I wasn't even out of breath! Ha! Take that football player who get winded after running up and down the field once!


I walked into school five minutes till' the bell so I quickly made my way to my locker, unloaded my things and grabbing an empty folder and pencil to bring with me for our field trip, oh! And of course my Adidas drawstring bag.

I walked down the hallway and swiftly made it to class just before the bell rang and everyone else piled in.

"Quiet!! Now I want everyone to partner up with their designated partners and to wait until the buses arrive to take us to the farms. Now think you can do that? Good, now chop chop we don't have all day!" My teacher Mrs. Lee said, well more like scolded.

Grumbling I got up and reluctantly walked over to Josh. He didn't even spare me a second glance as I sat down. So I took out my worksheet flipped it over to the blank side and doodled.

I wasn't really paying much attention to what I was drawing until I looked down and realized my mistake. I had drawn what happened to the punching bag when it fell to the ground in detail with shading and all! Uh-oh. Hope nobody sees this. That would be really hard to explain.(A/N the pic is up top)

I very discreetly took a picture of my drawing and then hurriedly erased it and put away my worksheet.

I then waited patiently until the buses came. I cautiously look over at Josh.

He was sleeping!!

Well this trip is going to be amazing! I thought sarcastically while rolling my eyes.

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