Chapter 5: Lord Garmadon!...Or not. Rise of the Snakes. Part 1

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Chapter 5: Lord Garmadon!...Or not. Rise of the Snakes. Part 1

Willow POV

I decided that I wanted to train today, whether the guys liked it or not.

So, I went to my closet...

Actually, let me bactrack to where I am.

When I woke up, about 6 months ago, in the monastery with the Ninja and Sensei they invited me to move in  well...more like forced.

We went and got my things and I leased my apartment and moved in.

And I've been here ever since. I just haven't been training as much and it's really throwing me off.

Anyhow, I walked to my closet and pulled out a sports bra, tee-shirt, and some loose shorts that were my dad's, and quickly changed into them.(A/n, yes she kept the shorts for sentimental value along with some other clothes that were her mom's)

I then headed out to the training area only to find that the guys were no where to be found, even though it sounded like they were trianing.....wait. It better not be that stupid game of theirs!

I turned when I heard the sound of a door opening to come face to face with Sensei.

"Sensei! I was going to train expecting the boys to be out here, but they aren't, and I think I know where they are." I rushed out hurriedly.

He just looked at me then said,"I already know where they are and I am heading there now... to teach them a lesson."

I nodded as he walked to the other doors that lead to the game room, where you could hear the Ninja talking about their game. Ha! Boys.

I then walked over to the wall and set up the training course, only to see Nya quickly rush by saying,"Lord Garmadon has been spotted in Jamanakia village!!"

My eyes doubled size, then I tried to hold in a laugh at the boys in their rush, they looked so funny, and they are way out of shape...well, not like physical shape...they just haven't been training as much...I'll just stop now.

I then smiled at Cole as he rushed by, only for him not to notice me.

So, in a less happy mood I went and sulked on the steps waiting for Nya to return so I could ask her if she wanted to train with me.

I watched glumly as she walked back into the monastery after seeing the boys off.

"Don't worry Willow, he'll notice you sooner or later." She said as she sat down next to me.

I nodded glumly than my lips widened into a smile.

"Hey, Nya, would you like to face me to beat your brothers speed record? First one to beat it has to give Cole cooking lessons so he stops giving us indigestion!" I ask her with that sly smile, as she puts it.

Her face brightens as she smiled at me and says," You're on!!"

See, Nya and I are both exceptional bakers and great cooks, so naturally everyone wanted us to give Cole cooking lessons.

I than quickly walked over to the lever and pulled to make the training equipment appear.

I then started stretching with Nya to prepare for our speed race.

We decided to face one at a time, and I was to go first.

I got into position and Nya got the stopwatch ready.

"3..2..1....GOO!!" Nya exclaimed and I took off into the training course doing the series of flips with quickness and precision. I only slowed when I accidentally let slip a couple of sloppy flips at the end.

"Time?" I asked after I finished.

"14 seconds." She replied," You got close to Kia's record though!"

Kia's record was 12 seconds. I was 2 seconds off. (Just imagine that he was that fast and I have no idea how long it takes to do the training course tbh)

It was Nya' s turn now. I readied the watch.

"3..2..1....GOOO!" I said.

She took off. She went through the whole course fairly quickly, but slightly slower than I did, considering she wasn't already doing crime fighting before she came here.

After she finished I told her her time.

"15 seconds. You were also close to beating the record." I said.

"I want to try again!" She exclaimed.

I agreed to time her after her request, only after having her agree to timing me again. Than she did it again.

"That's time!" I said, only to get a different response.

"H-hey Nya! You still working on beating Kia's speed record?" Jay asked awkwardly.

"Yeah, I'm close to beating it, actually Willow was gonna go after me if you want to watch?" Nya replied, with a smile.

"Sure!" He replied with a smile also.

I handed the stopwatch to Nya and she got into position as I headed to the start of the course.

"3..2..1....GOOO!" She exclaimed.

I took off, even faster than last time. This time I let my instincts take over, the next part was all a blur.

By the time I stopped it felt like no time had passed, like I had just woken up from a refreshing nap, to see the shocked faces of the four Ninja, Sensei, and Nya.

"What?" I asked.

"You moved with such precision and grace, you looked like the wind!!" Jay said, looking very suprised.

"Willow....I would like to speak with you in private." Sensei said solemnly.

I nodded and he walked off.

Just as I was going to follow him, Nya stopped me and said,"How did you do that?"

"Do what?" I asked confused.

"When you went into the trianing course, it looked like you went into a sort of transe! You even seemed to have closed your eyes! Then you became almost a blur! You moved like the wind, it was kind of scary! You totally demolished Kia's speed record too. Your time was 6 seconds!" Nya replied wide eyed and whispering.

I was so shocked that I turned and quickly followed after Sensei, dazed and confused.

  I walked into his study to see him waiting for me sitting on a mat.

  "Willow, can you tell me exactly what happened on the training course?" He asked me.

  I nodded,"Well, I noticed the first time I went through the training course I felt like I was overthinking everything; that my head or eyes were getting in the way. So I stopped using them, I think I actually closed my eyes and did the whole course like that!"

  After I finished talking it felt as if that was what had actually happened! And little did I know that...I was right.

Sorry!! I know I haven't updated in a while!! I'll update more I promise, or at least I'll try!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2020 ⏰

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