chapter 1

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Hate fills your soul Asriel. Yet you try to pretend it's not there." Asriel's eyes opened slowly to examin his surroundings. this place was all to familiar for Asriel .The darkness crept as far as he could see. He started to grow scared as he looked for the light that did not exist.

"You can not hold it in forever Asriel."

Asriel looked around for the sorce of the voice.

"Who are you, what am I doing here."

Asriel said. He heard foot steps coming twords his direction. They came closer and closer till he was face to face with a dark figure. It looked just like Asriel. But was pitch black with white glowing eyes.

"W-who are y-you". Said a studery azzy. The figure stood in a bref moment of silence before it had spoken.

"You suffer with me" the figure said. It repeated the sentence in a loud wisper which got louder and louder until azzy had to cover his ears.

"This is just a dream." Azzy told himself. The wispered stopped and the figure had dissipated into thin air. Asriel looked around him in all directions to get so much as a glimpse of where his Doppelganger had gone. Suddenly he had got the feeling that someone, or something was behind him. when he turned around only a deformed smile greeted him

"This is much more real than you think." The figure then lunged twords him and brought him into utter darkness.

Asriel woke up in his bed gasping for air. He rasied up to take in his surroundings. He found himself in his bedroom with frisk laying next to him in bed. Frisk and Asriel have been living together on the surface for years now. They were now in there late teens and rarely ever left each other's side. Not even when sleeping. Asriel always requested to sleep next to Frisk. Even as a child. One night toriel had separated the two only to find out that asriel whould have nightmares without her by his side. So Torrie never questioned it and let the two share a room. Asriel tryed to lay back down without desterbing frisk. But do to his sudden movements raising up, she was already awake.

"Are you ok azzy?" She asked.

"Yes, i-its nothing." Asriel replied trying to not concern frisk.

"Did you have another nightmare azzy?" Frisk asked.

"Yes" he replied.

Asriel put his head back down on his pelow dreading the thought that his nightmares may never go away.

"I know what will make you feel better azzy".

"Wha--". Before he knew it, Frisk was already on top of him and had her lips connected to his. They soon began to fall deeper and deeper into the kiss.

Asriel broke the kiss after a few more seconds and looked frisk in the eyes.

"What did you do that for"? Asriel asked. Frisk just blushed and looked him in the eyes.

"Azzy, to tell the truth. I've had these feelings and I've tried to convince myself that they where wrong because we're adopted siblings but, I can't help but feel that I ".

She paused for a second.

"That you"? Asriel said trying to get her to continue.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2019 ⏰

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