Chapter Three: Monday Morning!

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~~~~A little author note at the bottom explaining it took so long and thanking my readers. Please read the AUTHOR NOTE!~~~~~


Kat's P.O.V:

After telling him everything he surprised me, he was even more excited and over joyed, I thought his head was going to explode from all that rambling that he needs everything for school. What he did not expect was that I had gotten him everything already, even a mini tablet to do his research, since it was cheaper than a laptop, but I'm still working on getting a printer cause I also need that too for school, especially for mid-terms that are coming up.

"Okay bud this is your new school. Be good, be nice, and good luck bud." I was nervous for him I hope he doesn't get picked on by anyone.

"Thanks sis. I can't wait to make new friends! But most importantly I need to know what kind of classes you got me, sometimes you think I'm way too smart." I swear if this kid does not get out of the car he is so going to be the end of me.

"Cause your are bud, now go before your late and make me late for work! Love you bud and I know you can do this, now go make me even more proud!"

"Oh yes, Okay, yeah I can do this. Thanks again sis and I'm proud of you too. Love you bye!" Noah said while getting out the car, if I didn't know any better he was kinda nervous but he knows he got this.

Now I'm on my way to work, I was taking a short cut through the woods, technically it is just a hiking ground but I like taking it, it's faster than going around. I know it's dangerous but it's kinda soothing to me, I weird huh.

"God dam it! Now I am going to be late!" Well you see here my friends I got myself into a small ditch and now I can't get out! I don't even know how this got here! Last time I came through here this thing was not here, why now and why me?! "Oh yes! My cell, better have signal or I'm gonna....what was that? Oh god I'm not dying today." Damn it where's that phone, right! Glove department since there is no use for it I just leave it there. "Yes! Signal!...Hello, yes, I'm stuck in the woods between Main and Paris Street. It's the hiking grounds I believe in the middle, I'm not sure really but I am the only car parked out here, so can you please send a tow truck? Thank you so much." Thank GOD they could or else I'll be dead meat, oh crap I have to call work, can't believe I'm going to be late today. There's always first for everything, hope nothing come out and eats me.

I think I just heard a howl. I hope it's a dog and not a wolf cause I will have a heart attack, I love reading about them but to actually be around one is too scary. I can't see anything with all these damn bushes, omg I think I see something move, OH GOD I'm going to DIE!!! Oh shit, it was just a freaking damn bunny! Arrrggg they better hurry up with that tow truck! Gotts to call work now.

"Hello, yes it's Kat I'm going to be late for work today. My truck is in a small ditch and I don't know how long they are going to be. Thanks and I'm sorry again."

Zack's P.O.V:

You see, I was the one who put that small ditch. Why you may ask? Well you see here I am a werewolf and I was out for a run when I smelt the most wonderful sent ever. I figured it was that truck that kept crossing my path on my runs since it's the only truck that passes through my territory. Today is the day I am going to see who's sent it belongs too, I hope it's my mate, I've been waiting so long for that day to come and I'm not going to pass it up.

"Awe shit, hope I didn't scare her."

"You just did you ass." Grey, my wolf sarcastically said.

Sometimes I wonder about him, he is such a dick at times.

"I heard that stupid!" Grey growled.

Any who I got closer to the truck and I couldn't BELIEVE my eyes!

"Oh WOW! She is B E A UTIFUL!" Grey and I both howled out for her and basked in her beauty.

I couldn't completely see her gorgeous face but her smell is so divine that I almost blow my cover. I sensed that she was getting frighten, I was glad a bunny decided to run out.

Then I heard the MOST mesmerizing voice, I have ever heard in my whole entire life. I didn't expect her voice would send me to a place I have never been before, I couldn't explain it. I thought these bitches I had flings with sent there but her voice, something about it just gave me more satisfaction than ever before. I didn't believe my mother when she told me about mates, about how they could do wonders with just hearing them speak.

After she finished her call, I had to leave before Grey took control and that wouldn't be a very good idea at the moment, I don't want to scare her just yet. But till then I don't know how I'm ever going to see her again.


Author Note: sorry had a little of a writers block but I got it done! Hope you like it please comment and vote!


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2017 ⏰

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