~ One ~

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One of the most frustrating things in anyone's life is a computer that's on five percent.

But, you only know the true anguish of having said computer on five percent of you haven't saved a five page project you had been working on for three hours.

A frustrated groan echoed throughout the quiet school library, eliciting a 'shush!' from the librarian.

Frantic fingers tapped along a pastel blue keyboard, and a tan hand zoomed a mouse around.

In the nick of time, the girl published the now-finished work, and ten seconds afterwards, her computer died.

The teenager sat back, a light grin playing on her freckled face.  She pushed dark brown hair back, allowing dazzling Caribbean blue eyes to shine through.

Her tan lips pressed together as she slowly plugged her laptop in, and she leaned over and hiked up a creamy sock as she waited for it to boot up again.

Screen now bright and flashing, her slender fingers inputted her password, and quickly opened up google chrome.

Her tumblr notifications were off the charts, her followers were obviously liking the new instalment she had published.

Here we have Makamae, better known as Mae, scrolling through the comments on the new chapter.

Her blog was quite popular, and it was dedicated to writing, theorizing, and art.

She was currently writing a story about these two guys who meet at a flower shop and fall in love.  It seemed that a lot of people loved it, as each chapter got about two thousand notes.

Imagine, two thousand people reading and loving your work..... it was almost like having a published book!

The blog, called The Aesthetics Dealer, also held her art.  She did drawings, digital art, commissions, fan art, and just doodles for her own enjoyment, and her story.

She was currently situated in the schools library, waiting out lunch time and writing.

After checking on her blog, she then proceeded to open up a document she had saved on her computer.

This was a certain story she was working on for the school newspaper, The Green And Gold.  It consisted of the ongoing debate between the two most favourable candidates for school board president, Chandler Wycks and Bianca Tailor.  Some sources she had investigated had revealed that Bianca was sending threats and stuff to Chandler, but then again others said that Chandler had hacked into Biancas phone and posted some nasty things on her social medias.

Journalism was truly a daring, and fun sport, and Mae absolutely loved it.

A bonus about writing for the Green And Gold was that she got so many neat stories to work into her blog writing.  It was the best of both worlds.

Shifting around in the awkward plastic seat, she started spastically eating her lunch, which, until now, had been left untouched.  Leave Mae to leave eating her food til five minutes before the period ended.

The door of the library creaked open, and a swish of fresh air accompanied a newcomer.

The girl was short, and by short I mean 5'4 short.  She had full lips and subtle curves that fit her short stature perfectly, complimented by cold hazel eyes and dyed silver hair.

Now coming towards Mae was the infamous Bianca Tailor, a hand on her hip, and fury on her face.

She slammed her hand down on the table, making the pastel blue laptop jump a bit off the wood.

"I saw what you wrote about me in yesterday's paper," The walking she-devil snarled, "If you care about your social status in this school, and believe me, I know it's not high to begin with, than you'll back off, bitch."

Mae sat back in her chair, a pleasant smile on her face.  "Oh please.  I'm not one of your mindless zombies, I don't care if everyone in this school hates me.  All I care about is being left alone to my work." To punctuate her statement, she motioned to the now powered down, and closed laptop on her lap.

The silver-haired beauty hissed one last time before stalking off, no doubt to go tell her lackeys that Mae was an idiot.

She smirked, packing up her things and heading off to her Creative Writing class.  She could tell it was going to be a long rest of the day.

As she slid into her seat at the back of the class, she noticed that a new desk had been pulled up next to hers.

But who would want to sit next to the quiet, awkward bean child in the back?  No one had sat next to her since the start of the year, and it was almost Christmas time.

Pushing the thought to the back of her head, she took out some paper and her laptop.  Writing class was, big shocker, her favourite class, and one she excelled at.

Mae popped her computer open, bringing up what she had been working on the previous class.

She heard someone sit in the desk infront of her, and she looked up to see a friendly face staring back.

Enter Jocelyn Kaine, aka the funniest, yet shyest person Mae knew.  She was a tall girl, with choppy blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes.

"Heya loser," Jocelyn chirped, pointing to the empty spot next to Mae, "Someone new is coming into class today.  Rumour has it that she transferred from Idaho."

She took no notice of Jocelyn calling her 'loser', it was just a thing they did.  "Really? Interesting..."

Mae's brain immediately went to we can interview her for the paper! and the other half of her mind went great, another person to tease us for being quiet.

She was fighting an uphill battle with herself, so much so that she didn't even notice the door to the class opening until the teacher boomed, "We have a new student with us today."

That caught Mae's attention, though she kinda wished it hadn't.

There, at the front of the class, was a girl that made her heart flutter.

She was tall, taller than Jocelyn, but not too tall, it was a cute level of tall.  She had thick, curlyish pixie-cut ebony hair, that was offset by the most beautiful stormy eyes that Mae had ever seen.  Her skin was olive, and smooth as silk.

She had this grunge look to her, patched leather jacket, gray and black beanie, ripped darkwash jeans, band tee, and black leather boots.

Mae felt suddenly self-conscious in her blue sweater, light gray shorts and pastel yellow sneakers.  She felt like she had to keep up with the style expertise of the new girl.

"Class, please welcome Ali Thompsons."

Why, oh why did Mae always have to have crushes on straight girls?

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