~ Two ~

6 0 0

oops I'm changing perspective yikes


Pretty eyes.... pretty face.  She's so bubbly, and friendly... god she walked up to my desk and actually said hi.  No one says hi to me in that class, except for Jocelyn!


Her writing style is so delicate, just like her.  I can tell she likes fluffy romance, probably a slow-burn 20k words kinda person.


She said she recognized my name.  How could she recognize my name? I've never known an Ali before, but hotdamn I do want to know one now.


That jolted me out of my daydreaming, and I blinked hazily.

The one who screamed at me happened to be my only other friend, Lauren Sanchez.  They were really nice, with short, curly blue hair and bright green eyes.  Honestly, if they didn't like guys, then I'd probably date them.

"Yes?"  I ask, somewhat awkwardly.  God, if I could just stop thinking about Ali, and how amazing she is, then I could actually listen.

" Dude, you've been pining over her for three weeks now," They pointed out, stabbing a fork in my direction, "Go talk to her.  Ask her about herself, just do something that isn't staring into the void."

I could feel a blush on my cheeks, and I muttered "Well why don't you go talk to Brian Wilmer huh?" before getting up from my seat.

The cafeteria was crowded like a rock concert, so I carefully squeezed between people until I got to Ali's table.

Although she's the new girl, she already made her way to the cool kids table.  Man, I've been here for three years and she made more progress than I did in three weeks.  Does that say something about me?  Maybe.  Probably.  Definitely.

Problem is, now that I've looked at that table, she isn't there.

And you know who is there?

The 'Its Britney Bitch' gang.

They're called that because all of them have pretty blonde hair and pretty blue eyes and pretty skin and blah blah blah.  Also, I'm pretty sure half of them have implants.

I mean, one of them has brown hair, and green eyes, but she's getting her hair died soon

Britney #1 stood up, glaring daggers at me.  "Whatcha lookin at?  Move on, this isn't your table."

I held my hands up in surrender, already feeling a spike of anxiety.  "I wasn't planning on sitting here, just observing and moving on."

She opened her mouth again, probably to spew some garbage at me, but was stopped by a hand landing on her shoulder.

And you know who's hand that was?


Ali gave Britney #1 a disappointed look, and then flashed a smile at me.  "Shayne, can't we be nice?  I'm sure Makamae was just moving along, as she said.  No harm done!  Makamae, would you like me to walk with you?"

Holy.  Hell.  She handled that so well, and now she wants to walk with me?  If I wasn't blushing before, I surely am now.  "U-uhm, y-yeah.  Sure."

She grinned at me, and shuffled around the table so she was right next to me.  Thank god I took my tray, so I actually look like I have a reason to be here.

We started walking, at first in silence until I peeped up.  "You didn't have to do that, you know.  I'm used to them yelling at me."

Ali's eyebrows furrowed, and she put her hands on her hips.  "You shouldn't have to be used to people yelling at you!  It's not right, and anyways I love helping people out."

Oh gosh.  I think this girl is going to kill me by the end of the year. 

" Well.... thanks.  And, you can call me Mae."  I murmured.  We had just gotten to the trash can, and I scraped off my plate.

She scooped my tray away from me, and set it down on the tray return.  "No problem, Mae.  And, by the way, I love your sweater."

I stood there, even after she left, gaping like a fish.

She... She said she likes my sweater.  Oh no, oh no no no.  Does she mean that romantically?  Probably not, we just met.  So did she mean it platonically?  Just friends telling each other they like their outfit?  Hmmmmmmmm.  Are we even friends?  No, Mae.  You just talked to her properly for the first time.  Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

I stumbled back to my table in a haze, smiling like an idiot the whole way.  Jocelyn and Lauren shared a glance, and laughed.

"Did princess charming rock your world?"  Jocelyn teased, patting the seat next to her.  Just to spite her, I sat next to Lauren, who started playing with my hair.

"What did she say?  Your as bright as a neon sign, and your eyes are unfocused."  They waved a hand infront of my face, frowning.

I swatted their hand down, and looked down at my sweater.

It really was nothing special.  I had gotten it when I went to visit family in Hawaii, all that was special about it was the bright pink flower on the breast pocket.  Other than that it was just a soft blue sweater.  Nothing super amazing.

But apparently it stood out to Ali.  I groaned, not wanting to fight my mind again.

Damn.  Do other lesbians worry if their crush is platonically complimenting them?  There's only four out lesbians in the school, including me, but two are seniors and one's a freshman.  Don't think they'll want to talk to me about crush mechanics.

Jocelyn kicked my leg from under the table, eliciting a little yelp from me.  "Dude, stop daydreaming about your lady crush.  Good job, you talked to her, now you gotta get her on a date, or at least get her number."

I nodded, starting to think about a plan.  Maybe I could ask her to be my partner in a project? Then we'd have to exchange numbers, and probably have to hang out to finish it.

Maybe I could just straight up ask her?  Wait, I forgot, anxiety.  No way I'm doing that.

Maybe I could get Lauren or Jocleyn to do it.  With my predicament, that seems to be the best choice, but I also don't want to put them under pressure.

Useless, useless gay mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2018 ⏰

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