The Star I Call Steven

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This is my first pice ever so don't hate if  you don't like but please do tell me my mistakes. I might wright more cause If I have the free time school is hell so I'll try. Anyway I hope you enjoy, love you all.
Fluff next chapter will be SMUT
Peedee's prove:
It was just another boring day at the fry shop. However today was little different because my good friend Steven stopped by and things just got better from there.
Steven's p.o.v:
The Crystal Gems had taken some time to just chill with each other so the could learn to control there fusion better, so I decided to go to the fry shop to see peedee cause I really wasn't hungry for donuts or any thing. I finally got to the fry shop and there was peedee sleeping while on the job looking Total adorable. Oh if you didn't no by know I,m gay, me and Connie never really hit it off. I do love her just not in that way, but me and peedee always had this certain connection and I hope to God he's gay or bi but back to peedee looking sexy ass fuck sleep but you know we got to have a little so why not wake him up not so peacefully. I tipped toe over to the sleeping stud after changing into a  giant snake and ranged the bell crazy with my tail. His head shoots up and he's starts ranting something then in gibberish until his face go straight to horror.
Peedee's prove:
After boring day of work I decided to take little nap before closing up shop so while I was sleeping I was rudely awoken by someone basically fingering the living hell out of our bell. I shoot my head and start saying our daily special but it soon turns to me just rambling random stuff tell I here a chilling hiss that shoots chills down my spine. My eyes pop open to see this giant snake hissing and bearing it's fangs at me, my heart stopped my soul left this world as fall out of my chair I crawl to the corner with my knees pressed against my chest I look up to the sound of laughter to my surprise is was no one outher then Steven laughing his guts out I yell at him ranting about how I could have died. Oh MY GOD you should have seen the look on your face it was priceless is all he managed to say. He hopes down off the counter walks over and helps me to my feet he apologized for scaring me half to deaf I smile and tell him he owes me and nods his head and asks me do I want to go to the beach with him stuttering with a little blush. So Peedee you know what go the beach with or something the it's really beautiful at this time of night. I nodded my head in agreement as we started to make are way to the beach. I hope Steven know that I,m bi and I always wanted to date him I hope he asks me tonight. All I want is for him to be the biggest and brightest star I my universe (I know cheese but I just had to).
Steven's p.o.v:
OMG I thought my heart was going to jump out of my fucking chest and shoot to the fucking moon I can't believe he said yes. I,m kinda of hoping to ask him what gender dose he puffers and ask him out if it's boy's. So while we were walking towards the beach he offers that we dig our toes in the sand I nodded my head a little to rapidly. He laughs and we run to the beach and stop right by the shore we sit down together and we gaze at the stars OMG why is peedee so cute.
Peedee's p.o.v:
We are looking at the stars in the night sky how could something this beautiful be real oh I'm talking about the sky any more I,m talking about my want to be star the beautiful Stallone sitting right next to me. He finally looks down and we make eye contact but not in a creepy way more of a lustfully no loving way he finally breaks the  silence.
Steven's p.o.v:
I always love space I mean mom is literally a gem how comes from outer space so it's no surprise way I love space but back to the stud how eyes I could feel on me. I look down so that our eyes are looked in this some what loving staring contests I finally break the beautiful silence and ask peedee what is he's sexualllty, he says he's that bisexual. I look deep into his soul with the biggest blush ever and say with a mad stutter wo..wou...would you like to be my boy.. but before I could even finish my lips are looked with Peedee's he rolls me over and lays on top of me with our fingers intertwined and our tongue battle fro domanc wich really wasn't that much of a battle cause I am way stronger then peedee. We eventually break apart fro air after about 2-3 minutes of out make out section. He collapses on my chest panting for air, it's soft but I can hear him through his pants say he would love to be my boyfriend.
Peedee's p.o.v:
I tell Steven that I would love to be he's boyfriend. I don't think I have ever been so happy In my life I finally got my very own star called Steven.
So guys how was this for my very first pice is it good do you like please let me know any mistakes and outher books you would like me to write. WARRING SMUT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER YOU'VE BEN WARREN.

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