Sex Instead of Fusing

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Hey guys so I know I took fucks ever to update but I've been busy, but I will now so I hope you love.
                       Time skip: To when Steven saved everyone after being kidnapped.
Peedee's p.o.v:
it's been two weeks since Steven had been kidnapped buy those things that he call "The Damon's". It's been so hard without out him here to confurt me while I work to give me love kisses on my lips and hickeys all up and down my neck to my stomach. But now he's some where in outer space and fighting to keep everyone safe and I,m worried for Steven and Lars because they haven't came back to earth with us. It's makes me so mad that all I can do is wait.
Steven's p.o.v:
I missed pumpkin, The Crastle Gems, Connie,Dad, and everyone else but mostly I missed Peedee. It's been hard without him but I did have Lars how's been so confurting for me since, Lars had been my first crush but he and Amy got together ever since we got lost on that island and I been so happy for him. But now Lars are coming home with a few new gems to join our big happy Beach City."I hope Peedee is ok"
No p.o.v:
Peedee is sleeping once again at his shift when out of nowhere his lips are attacked by someone else. His eyes shoot open and he falls off his chair just to be caught and bring into a huge.
Peedee's p.o.v:
So after being basically molested in my sleep to being caught in midair after falling out my very soft and comfy chair I might add I am over 9000% shook. But when I look up I see the biggest and cutest eyes on the sexy face ever. I nearly passed out out of enxentment it was Steven I have never been so happy to see someone in my hole life me and Steve start making out he sits up taking me with him and sits me on my counter and we continue our rough long hot and  intense make out section until we have to stop by because of the consent ring the bell followed up by someone say "are you two done I don't me to be  a  bother you two but I'm ready to order". We brake our make out section and I stutter and take their just to my surprise to see Lars and Sadie I jump and hug them both. OMG Lars you back.
Lars p.o.v:
Yeah I'm back did you miss me. I can feel his tears of joy on my chest, I ruffle his hair and tell him that every thing we'll be ok and me and Sadie head off.
Sadie p.o.v:
As me and Daddy L AKA Lars head I tell peedee to ask Steven if he wants to sleep over at his house with a wink he blushed and walks back over to Steven. I have good bey as I run back to Lars and we walk off to his house with his around my waist.
Peedee's p.o.v:
After Sadies very naughty advice I walk back over to Steven who is leaning on the wall staring at my print in my short shorts. I peck him on the lips and ask him very seductively if he would like to stay the night over his kisses me very passionately and says yes I have the biggest blush ever as walk over to my house.
~Time skip~ to Peedee's bead room
Steven's p.o.v:
Peedee's bedroom is so nice And I swear to God I could just stay on his bed forever. Peedee's suggest a movie I nod my head in I lay my bag down And take my pants so that I,m in my boxers and sit back down on the bed. Peedee's informs me that it's a scary movie which nethir of us are good at watching, however he looked so cute while asking in his PJs I couldn't stay no.
No p.o.v:
Peedee takes off his PJs because he stats that their too tight but all he really wanted was to be closer to Steven without annoying clothes in the way so Peedee is know half naked in his even tighter briefs makes his way over to Steven kiss him on the forehead and nuzzle his soft all over his lap in tell he is nice and comfy Steven just wraps his arms around his peedee nuzzle on his ear causing peedee to let out moans
Peedee's p.o.v:
As I nuzzle into Steven's lap to try to wake up the only outher dick he ever aloud to touch he wraps his arms around my waist and starts to nuzzle my ear which makes me unable to control my moans.
Uhhh.. Steve..Steven stop uhhh oooh.... MY GOD. He turns me Around swiftly and starts to attack my neck with soft and rough kisses. Uhhh yesssssss daddy Steven right there don't stop.
Steven's p.o.v:
Ahhhhh I bubble peedee how was hugging me with his face buried into my chest to realize we had forgotten all about the movie. I unbubble us both lay peedee down on the bed and get to turn off the TV.
No p.o.v:
I walk back over to peedee how has a look of horror on his face I  walk over to him and start to trace his abs all the way down to the outline of his  bulging penis. I start to kiss it and lick the spot where his precum has left the huge stain he starts to swarm around and pant for.i don't think I can last any long if Steven keeps doing this but I need more I..I need more of him in me he stops out of the blue and bring his three fingers to my mouth, I'm still a virgin and I know Steve had sex with Connie, I just hope I will be enough for him I start to suck on his fingers while he play with my ball I swear my dick is going to break my to tight briefs if this keeps going on like this he finally takes his fingers out my mouth and take my underwear and his own off to expose my 6in and his 10in all at the same time I don't even know but next all I feel is pain in my ass ahhhhh..uhhh...ahh it hurts but it also feels so good i want more. I thrust one finger in peedee so he can get us to the feeling I go in and out repeatedly swarming my finger around I finally let and the second one in hitting his sweet spot each time I go in and out. Uhhh OHHH MY GOD i don't know what he just did but I begged him to do it again uhhh yes daddy yesssssss daddy Steven please daddy don't stop Uhhh more I swear to God every time he scissors my hole I want him that much more. Then I finally feel my thrid entering me and hitting my magic spot immdeatly Ahhhhh yesssss daddy i scream while he fingers me. And with that I think your finally ready what do you think boyfriend. I gasp I completely forgot that we where dating I start to I nods my. I take my fingers out of his beautiful and slowly insert my rock hard member into him. Uhhh.uhh. he's so big I mean hug like OMG I can't handle it and he only 5 inches in then he stops and then. AHHHHHH DADDY WAIT I screamed at the top of my lounge. Are you on baby. Tears in poring down my eyes he. i strat to stroke Peedee's member slow to take his mind off the pain of my member being shoved all the way in him with just precum as lube and no condom even though I was literally leaking precum on the floor. I rub the tears fro my eyes and flip Steven on his back with a look of surprise on his face I say you have been very mean and your going to regret it I say as I hope back on to him and before he has time to get his thoughts ready I  start to ride him like a fucking mad cowboy. It looks like I awoken the beast in my little baby. I thrust up  into him while he bounce on my dick. I'm so close to my climax and I can tell peedee is too cause his walls are getting so tight.ahhh.. da...daddy..steve... Steven it feels so good.uhhh daddy I,m close Dadddddy I yell as I climax all over  Steven's chest.uhhh yesssss baby OH MY GOD I can fell peedee Wall's close around my penis as I reach my climax PEEDEEEEE I yell as I climax into  him. I slid off Steven's member and kisses him all over his beautiful lips
We both whisper through our make out section. I love you more than anything.

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