The past is back

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Y/n's POV
I gave Justin, Selena, Taylor and Demi juice and a sandwich they were just quietly watching cars with blankets and pillows mike said "and how old are they?" I said "They all are almost 26" Taylor said "are you sure because I feel like we have 4 children we just fed babe?" I shrugged i grabbed Taylor and cupped her face I said "god you're beautiful" and I kissed her she kissed back she cupped my face she said "I love you" I said "and I love you" I heard Justin say "are we watching cars or a love story?" I looked at them I said "well you four 5 year olds should be watching cars unless you wanna enjoy story time explaining to 5h who we are?" They said "0oo story time this will be interesting" I chuckled Taylor said "are you sure?" I said "yeah I am" Camila said "are you sure you can handle it again?" I sighed I said "I have to at some point it's easier now then later" I said "how do I put this whole story?" Mike said "tell it how you told us" I nodded jade stood by me so did Chris Taylor and camila I said "let's start with this I'm y/n Lauren you're my ex girlfriend and brad you were a fuckboy then and a fuckboy now" jade chuckled she muttered "let me not say my opinion on Lauren" I laughed a little I looked at Lauren and brad they were shocked Normani, Dinah and ally looked pissed I said "and why you 3 pissed this has nothing to do with you?" Dinah said "because you cheated on Lauren you deserve a poly beat down" I laughed I said "you see camila said the same thing 4 years ago so did the jauregui family you see the thing is Lauren lied she had no clue to what was actually happening and I never cheated" Lauren said "I didn't lie you would disappear and leave randomly all the time and not tell me where you were going so I knew you were cheating?" I said "okay did you ever ask me where I was going?" She said "no because I knew you were cheating" I said "ahh that's where you were wrong I'm gonna ask you the same question I asked your family 5 years ago what did you think when you saw my family together or out in public?" She said "a close humble family" jade said "yeah that's what a lot of people thought including your family but as y/n always said don't judge a family or someone based on their looks because you don't know what happens behind close doors" I said "you see what had happened was okay let's started from the beginning me and Lauren started dating at 13 about the time I turned 14 was when everything changed Lauren what you didn't know is my parent started fighting 24/7 I would wake up and go to sleep hearing them scream they finally got divorced a little while after and their anger toward each other they took it out on their kids and guess what happened they became abusive me but I would never let jade get hit when I was 15 when we broke up was when they became drug addicts so while you assumed I was cheating I was actually going home so that I could save my sister for being harmed my dad the one that was supposed to love me was the one that raped me my mom the one supposed to care and support us was the one who through beer bottles at me they stabbed me they punched me they kicked me hell they shot me 2 times but guess what they never laid a finger on jade because of that the best part you never fucking noticed because you never opened up your god damn eyes I quit basketball I quit soccer hell I got my diploma at 16 and got my college one at 17 so I could take care of jade I did it all by myself because lied to your family because you never let me explain what was really happening" jade said "another thing is that you shouldn't of been mad at y/n even if she was cheating because you had been with brad for 6 months yet what did y/n do exactly nothing because she was more worried about taking care of her sister and feeding her sister then she was about her own heart" Taylor said "when y/n was 17 she showed up at our door with jade while jade was playing out back y/n told us everything we blamed ourselves because we were all living in our own worlds including you Lauren that we never noticed she needed some fucking help hell Lauren if you would of actually taken the time to look at her body closely you would of seen the bruises and the cuts" I sighed I said "5 years ago when I came here and talk to your family hell it wasn't for me it was for jade I asked your family to take care of her love her support be the real family she needs and I left an hour later they found me at the cliff they wanted me to come and I said I would on one condition and that was not seeing you or the troll looking fuckboy over there until I decided to I dealt with PTSD, anxiety attacks, panic attacks I delt with it all and guess what me and jade both got a real family I ran into Camila 4 years ago she yelled at me then I explained what really was happening and showed her pictures been best friends since I've been dating Taylor for 4 years jade is the one that told me she'd be good for me and hell she was right taylor made my the old y/n I used to be I'm fucking happy god I'm fucking happy me and Taylor have down so much and own so many things were fucking rich but we don't show it" Camila said " they own 4 record companies, 8 clubs, 3 fashion companies, Apple and 6 restraunts" Taylor said "we are fucking loaded as hell but we don't show it and we don't brag about it btw we own synco also yes Simon knows y/n pasts with Lauren so 5 years later y/n 22 I'm 20 jade is 16 y/n is back to her old happy self and we've never been better" I smiled at her I pulled her to me I kissed her I said "god thank you for everything you've done for me the late night talks, the late night cuddling, when we would watch movies with Chris and jade just the last 5 years thank you for loving me I love you so much Taylor" she smiled she said "I love you y/n and I can't wait till we get married" I held her she buried her face in my chest I looked at Demi Selena Taylor and Justin they were standing there sipping their juice I said "babe look at our 4 dumb kids" she did she laughed I said "so how was that for story time?" Demi said "damn good story I always knew I'd wanna be here when those 2 found out the truth" I chuckled I looked at Lauren and brad I said "so Lauren jauregui high school varsity softball captain that was humble straight A student didn't take shit from nobody ended up with the the football team captain that could barely keep his grades up without cheating and bullied someone every chance he got and uses girls as toys it's been almost 7 years since I saw you both and brad still hasn't changed he's still the same fuckboy he was in high school damn no wonder Simon barely like you" they were all shocked except the jauregui family my sister and my 4 children over there I picked up Taylor and walked upstairs I said "I love you Taylor jauregui thank you for being the reason I'm alive" she smiled and kissed me

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