Part of chapter 8

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Lukas sat me down on the bed I looked on the floor there was a New wood down on the floor by my bed Loukas got up and went to the bathroom this Time he turned on the water I don't know what he was doing but I didn't like it I got up off the couch and I walked to the dope I shifted to a ant I crawled under the door he was watching a foot ball game on his iPad I quickly ran out i shifted back I got my close back on and jumped in to the bed and act like I was sleeping he walked out of the cabin I was just sitting there waiting t fell asleep I heard the door open and closed Loukas locked door and he shut the blinds and shut off the light he came over by me I shut my eyes he picked me up and laud me down he opened a pass way he put me in it and he got in too he shut the door and looked the pass what door he turned on the light in the pass what I got up and looked at him '" what are you doing " the a. i intruder is coming

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