Tour of Duty

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Tour of Duty©

I awaken from a fitful sleep
One where slumber was not very deep

The night before after counting many a sheep
My eyes closed and they did meet

A dream was had that made me sneep
You and I were there in a jeep

As I mentioned another tour you said nary a peep
But in your eyes I capture "what the bleep"

We both know the long stay at an outkeep
The enemy would be nearby and they are prone to creep

The sacrifice again would require a big leap
Is this a mistake or am I being wheep

Once again into our love my duty does seep
For a promise I knew I could not keep

Is the price for going to war really this cheap
The returns not guaranteed and the climb out steep

Or maybe we need to stop and make a clean sweep
And throw our relationship onto the scrapheap

Hearing those words make us both weep
For a promise I knew I could not keep

Andreas Simic©

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