The Butler

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Dark is older than Angel for one year


When Reiju was the only Child and no brothers where yet to be born she had everything. But what she loved was sweet home made pastries. She would go in the restaurant's that her Father bought her for dinner and always tried the dessert section. But one faithful day she met him.

She was just eating until she was in the dessert part. The one spoon that went into her mouth (Not the pervert way, she's just a child) didn't came back and made her eyes shot out. She order a the same pastry again and now Judge was surprise since he never did saw her daughter eat pastries for a double time. And even the pastries that she liked so much she never did ask for a second dish. Judge waved at the terrified waiter "Bring me the one that made these sweets" the waiter nod and rushed away to the kitchen.

In the Kitchen

A wild Angel was found on sharpening her knifes waiting for her next prey and a wild Dark was somehow found eating a green apple the enemy of the wild Angel. And it all began with a knife and a quick swiftly dodge that was made by a certain older brother. Flying knifes where going here and their since a duo of chefs where fighting "SON OF A BASTARD EAT KNIFE" BITCH IM YOUR BROTHER YOU DUMBASS, YOU EAT A KNIFE"YOU WERE ADOPTED" I WAS BORN FIRST" and a staring (h/c) colored haired person just stood their and watched the scene of the duo. The Chef of the restaurant Versus the Chief of the building, it would have been an amazing battle but it was still morning to do bullshit. But a certain scared for his life waiter bump made him come back from daydream land. "The Man outside requested for you (M/n)" the duo stopped before smiling "Finally you leaving now get that chance that is waiting for you" (M/n) just stared annoyed but wasn't able to say much since the scaredy cat waiter pushed him out to the world.

Outside the Kitchen

"You called" Judge looked the (h/c) colored male before nodding and Reiju just smiled "I want him" pointing at the male who was confused on what the little girl meant. Judge just smiled and pat the head of Reiju before looking back at the (h/c) colored hair male "Work for us or everybody dies". (M/n) just sighed " I would kindly accept but didn't have to add the killing part, be right back"

In the Kitchen

"IM LEAVING" a smiling team just waved "it was just like yesterday that it felt that I threw you the first knife" You did " SHUT UP LET ME DAY DREAM" a hysterical Angel just spun her way out of the kitchen to the bathroom before a pointing (M/n) pointed "dont question it" before a bag was shown up to the face "w-what" shut up and take it, I packed it for you " (M/n) smiled and hugged the white haired male "Thanks Dark" no problem".

Reiju had her best time of her life with her new butler, he cooked and listen to her and even helped carry the sunshine of hers to his bed.


The first story part hope you liked it



Dark out

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