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Yonji is green headed and I always believe he is the youngest but the tallest. Dam the taller younger generation, I'm a midget compared to them.

Yonji the 4th quadruple and the youngest of the family. He on the other hand was very tired that along the way (M/n) found him half walking and half sleeping. He was very hot due to his fever but still had the strength of a gorilla and was able to make a hole in the wall when the guards tried to contain him. (M/n) saw the child and moved  around the guards before standing in front of Yonji who was aiming a punch. However (M/n) caught the punch before it could do anymore damage. "Young Master Yonji seems that you have a fever" Yonji half lidded looked at (M/n) "fever? What's that? German are strong and a fever shouldn't be able to do this to me". (M/n) smiled and put Yonji fist down "well everyone gets sick sometimes, even me cause we are humans, come on Young Master Yonji let's get you prepared for bed so that mean fever can go away" Yonji would have made a fuss but at the moment he didn't have the strength to fight back nor complain. He walked wobbly due to the fever, his movements were very sluggish, his body heated up and (M/n) noticing this carried Yonji to his room. (M/n) flagged down a maid to prepare soup and some medicine so Yonji could get better a chair and table was provided for Yonji and (M/n) to dine together but it was mostly turning to Yonji sitting on (M/n) lap and being hand fed. (M/n) blew on the soup to cool it off before giving it to Yonji who ate it. A bit will spill over but (M/n) will clean it up. Medicine was given at the end of the meal which was taken very lightly due to Yonji fussing around and not wanting medicine but soon Yonji took his medicine. Yonji needed a bath so to the bathroom he went where Yonji took a bath with (M/n) due to almost falling over several times. Upon the completion of all these steps his teeths we're cleaned and smelling nicer than the dragons breath he had.

(M/n) carried Yonji to his bed where Yonji held a tight grip on (M/n) hand and soon started to let go off his hand when he fell asleep. (M/n) gave instructions to the maid to change the wet towel on Yonji head every so often so Yonji could get better. Upon completion of his task (M/n) head out but not before smiling at the child.

Buenas Noches
(Good night)


I know someone will say "aren't they robots?" Well let me say that in this book that the children take a bit of time before they turn fully robotic. Do i go against the manga yes, yes i do.


Cause i can and if you have a complaint take that complaint out of here cause this is my imagination and ur not invited to disturb my imagination.

Child Vinsmokes x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now