Chapter 15

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  I listened, mildly dumbfounded, as the young woman went into the room of the Gloire City Pokemon Shelter and promptly started shrieking. "No, Purrloin! Sheathe those claws! Ow! Ow! OWWWW!" The multiple bite and scratch marks I got from my Pokemon (most of which were from Mightyena and Zorua) ached in sympathy. "PURRLOIN, BEHAVE! There's a trainer who wants to see you!" 

  She came out a few moments later, battered and disheveled, carrying a Purrlion in her arms, which was purring angelically.

  "Here," she gasped, setting the Purrloin down on the counter. "The Dark-type Pokemon you asked for." It planted its butt down on the surface before sitting pristinely, like those Delcatty in the movie AristoDelcatties (A/N: Yes, this is an attempt to pun the Disney movie Aristocats. Yes, I did a terrible job at it.) Proceeding to lick its paw, it acted like I don't exist. 

  If this one pulls a Zorua, I thought, I am pretty much going to back out of this shelter very, very slowly. I cautiously stretched out a hand and tried to pet it. Purrloin batted it away with a hiss. OK, I muttered in my brain.

  Taking one of the feathers Honchkrow molted, I waved it in front of Purrloin's face. It stared at the moving black thing, before trying to knock it out of my hands with its paw. Next thing I knew, it was rolling around the counter batting my feather with its paws.

  "Will you look at that!" the woman exclaimed. "Purrloin hardly plays with anything other visitors bring. You must be an expert with these Dark-types to have it soften up to you!"

  I loosened my grip on the feather and let Purrloin knock onto the floor. Mewing affectionately, it jumped into my arms and made itself comfortable there. Thankful for the progress I made, I tried to pat its head.

  It unsheathed its dagger-sharp claws and raked them across my arm, leaving long red scratches which I still have to this day. Ouch.

  "Gah!" I yelped, jumping. Purrloin took this chance to hop onto the floor and start gnawing the feather.

  Half amused, half ticked off, I walked over to the counter. "All right," I said, scanning my Pokedex. "I'll adopt Purrloin."

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