Chapter 5

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On our way to the barn I sat in the passenger seat and played with my hair as we passed various fields, buildings, and houses. I stared at the clump of hair I was holding in my hand and started to braid it.

"We're here!" Mom smiled as we pulled into the parking area. I jumped out just as she parked and opened the small tack room attached to the trailer. I pulled out all the items I needed to get Copper ready. I ran into the barn and swung open Copper's door, to his surprise, while he ate a mouthful of alfalfa. I grabbed his halter as he nuzzled my hand for any treats.

"No Copper, not now. I have them for when I'm done!" I whispered to him as we walked to a cross-tie. I hooked him up and went to grab all the supplies I had left on top of a box next to Copper's stall. I placed the equipment on a saddle rack and grabbed a neon green wrap. I wrapped Copper's left front leg then went onto the rest. I finished getting Copper ready and put him in his stall.

"Forgot something?" Mom asked waving the empty hay bag.

"Right, thanks mom!" I sighed grabbing the bag and running to the hay barn. When I reached the barn I grabbed a bale of alfalfa and then a bale of timothy. I stuffed both bales into the bag and walked back to the bag.

"Allie!" squealed Christina as she ran up and hugged me. I hugged her back and dropped the hay bag.

"I'm leaving tonight." I sighed into Christina's shoulder. She pulled me away from her and looked me in the eye.

"You're so gonna ace that try-out!" Christina smiled as we walked back to Copper's stall.

"Is everything ready to get Copper in the trailer? The sun is setting."Mom walked up to us and grabbed the hay bag from me and waited for my answer.

"Just about, when we are done with getting him in we can put all my tack and other riding stuff in." I said going inside Copper's stall and haltering him. Christina walked beside me as I led Copper to the trailer. Copper walked right inside the trailer and started to munch on the hay bag as I tied him to the loop inside the trailer. I closed the separator and jumped out of the trailer. Christina and I went to the tack room and grabbed my two saddles and Copper's bridle. We put the tack in the side tack room of the trailer and went to get the rest. I grabbed all my pads and Christina grabbed the extra wraps.

"Now the tackbox!" I sighed rubbing my hands together.

"1, 2, 3!" Christina groaned as we lifted the box and pulled it towards the trailer. We lifted it into the mini tack room and I closed the door.

"One more thing, the grain bins!" I laughed as Christina face-palmed. We each got one and mom got the last one. We put them inside the trailer and I tied them to the side so the wouldn't fall or hurt Copper.

"Thanks so much Christina." I sighed hugging her.

"Allie, we have to go, it's getting dark and it's a long drive." Mom said placing one hand on my shoulder.

"Ok, I'm coming." I shook her hand off and continued hugging Christina.

"Ok, you gotta go. Go ace that try-out." Christina mumbled into my shoulder patting my back and pulling away.

"Bye, Christina!" I called walking toward my car.

"Txt me!" Christina called back. I walked to mom's already running car and climbed into the passenger seat.

"Do you have your bag?" Mom questioned as we drove away from the barn.

I nodded and asked "How long's the drive?"

"About 6 hours without traffic." Mom smiled at me as we pulled onto the highway. I checked the time on my phone, 8:12. I groaned and closed my eyes.

Something shook me awake and I rubbed my eyes.

"Allie, want dinner?" Mom asked. I nodded and sat up in the seat. I checked my phone 10:24. Mom got out of the ca and I followed. I rubbed my arms, it was cold!

"Hi, welcome to In-N-Out. What can I get for you today?" A young woman asked in a cheery high-pitched voice.

"I'll have a BLT please with a medium Coke please. What do you want Allie?" Mom asked me.

"Can I get a Cheeseburger with lettuce, a side of fries, and a small raspberry iced-tea please." I said fully waking up. The cashier nodded while mom paid and we waited for a couple minutes.

"Here you go, have a nice night!" The cashier chimed as she handed us our food. We walked back to the car and started to drive while eating. I finished my food and sipped my tea.

"How far now?" I asked.

"About 4 hours at the least." Mom took a bite of her burger. I nodded and fell back asleep.

4 hours later Mom shook me awake and I got out of the car.

"I'm going to check on Copper, you can go inside." I called to mom as she nodded and walked into the hotel.
"Hey boy, how are you?" I opened the trailer door. Copper looked up from his sleep and shivered. I grabbed his blanket and secured it to him.
"I know its cold here." I sighed and patted Copper. I closed the trailer and grabbed my bag. I locked the car and opened my bag to get a lock. I slipped the lock onto the trailer door and secured it. I zipped my bag and walked into the hotel.

Mom smiled at me and said "Level 3 room 435." I nodded and went into the elavator.

I opened our hotel door and walked inside and checked my phone for the time, 3:01. I put on my pajamas and climbed into the bed and put off the light. I closed my eyes and instantly fell asleep.

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