Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I was walking through the streets, just minding my own business. Some people glaring at me or giving me a look of

disgust, when I got that feeling that someone was following me, I hope it isn't the cops, there's nothing wrong with singing on the streets! I cautiously looked through the crowd of people trying to find the source of the sick feeling that was at the bottom of my stomach. I felt a tug at my arm, pulling me sidewards towards an alleyway,it was damp and dull, not so different to the place I call home. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness I could see a tall figure standing in front of me

"You will pay, Abbey, you ruined my life, and now I will ruin yours!"

I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my side, I could feel the blood soaking through my grubby top as I grasped it in pain, they had stabbed me! The next thing I know I collapsed on to the floor hearing the cracks off my bones. The

darkness took over.


My eyes fluttered open and I was blinded by a bright torch being shone in my eyes. As I started to focus I saw a plump middle aged woman with smile wrinkles by her eyes and Grey roots. She was wearing all white

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2014 ⏰

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