Chapter 16- Grief

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You sat on Petyr's bed holding your hands out, you stared down at them silent. Petyr came into the room with a sponge and a bucket of water, placing it in front of you. He grabbed a stool and placed it in front of you, he sat himself down on the chair and held his hands out. "Give me your hands." he commanded. You looked at him with tear stained eyes before placing your hands in his. He wet the sponge and began rubbing your hands with the cold water. The cold water numbed your hands. "I'm sorry." he said to you. You said nothing. What was there to say? 

You thought of Jory. All the times he'd save you from your brother. All the times he'd joke with you. "Ned will be fine..." Petyr tried to reassure you. 
"But Jory isn't." you said coldly, "Jory's dead..." 

Petyr stopped scrubbing and looks at you. "Yes, he's dead." Petyr sighed, "I wish I could change something but I-" 

You cut him off. "You didn't do anything." 
He stared at you before pulling his hands from you. "I'll pretend you didn't say that." he put the sponge in your hand before getting up and leaving the room. You let out a sigh before scrubbing as much blood as you could off. But your hands were still stained red. You got up and emptied the red coloured water out onto the pavement before walking inside and placing the bucket in a cupboard. Letting out a sigh you entered Petyr's office. There was, sitting there writing in a big book. He didn't even look up at you. 

"I'm sorry for what I said." You looked to the floor. Petyr looked up at you and put his quill down. 
"You didn't deserve to be blamed. I didn't mean what I said. I am just angry. I am sorry." 
He stood and approached you. "I forgive you." 
He leans in and gives you a quick peck on your lips before looking down at you. 
"Let's get you out of these bloody clothes." he nodded pulling you to his bedroom. 
"What time is it?" you asked as Petyr looked in his wardrobe. 
"It'll be getting dark soon. Want me to walk you back to the Keep?" he asked looking to you and stopping what he was doing.
"No. Can I stay here tonight? If it's okay with you." you asked.
"Of course." he smirks before handing you one of his long shirts. 
"Thank you." you smiled slightly before walking into the bathroom. You undressed and put what Petyr gave you on. You looked at yourself in the mirror before sighing. You brushed out your hair as you stared back at yourself with no emotion. You started to think of Jory again. You wanted the thoughts to leave your mind but they wouldn't. You started to cry. Jory...
Eventually, you got yourself together and stepped out. Petyr noticed your eyes.
"You've been crying." he stated, "Come here." 

He was already in comfortable clothing, laying in bed waiting for you. 

You snuggled up to him and rested your head on his chest. He stroked your hair as you lay there silently. 
"Goodnight Y/N." he said calmly as he continued to stroke your hair. 
"Goodnight Petyr I love you." you said as your eyes began to close.
"I love you too." 

*I am sorry this took so long. I am going on a date tomorrow so you'll definitely get an update for one or two of my stories as I'll be in a good mood. But mocks Monday. Ahhhh Year 11 sucks. Wish me luck! * 

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