Chapter Two - Bills, Bills, Bills.

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Chapter Two ; Bills, Bills, Bills.

Angela’s POV

“Morning Sleeping Beauty!” Sophia said grinning in my face. I groaned and pulled the duvet over my head trying to fall back asleep. That didn’t work out well as Sophia ripped the covers off my body exposing me to the cool air, I shivered.

“Why do you hate me?” I asked curiously. Sophia giggled,

“I don’t hate you!” She replied,

“Then why did you rip the covers off me?!” I yelled,

I’m clearly not a morning person;  in looks and personality!

“Because, firstly my parents are going to be here soon and I’m still grounded so you can’t be here! Secondly, we have school today!” She explained, I cracked an eye open and checked the digital clock on the bedside table. 5.03 am.  I groaned loudly again and sighed. I sat up and got out the bed. This hangover was killer!

I grabbed my bag, shoes and stumbled downstairs. Sophia followed behind me.

“Where you going?! Don’t you wanna freshen up?!” She hollered from behind me, I rolled my eyes.

Does she have to be so damn loud?!

“I’m going home. I just want to rest my head and just get over what happened last night…” I said trailing off into my thoughts of last night.

“Oh okay… So, you’re not coming to school?” I shook my head, “Okay! Shall I drop you off?” Sophia offered, I nodded and we left.

“Thank you!” I said hugging Sophia, she hugged back,

“No problem! I’ll call you after school! ‘Kay?” Sophia said, I laughed and nodded getting out the car. I gave her a final wave as she drove off before entering the house.

“Chica! Where have you been? I was worried…” Consuela said, I smiled slightly.

Consuela was like a second mom to me! Unlike my biological mom, Consuela actually took care of me!

“Sorry Consuela, I stayed over at Sophia’s!” I explained, Consuela nodded.

“You better get a few more hours before you’ve gotta go to school,” She said taking my bag off me,

“I’m not feeling the best Consuela… Can I stay home?” I pleaded, Consuela sighed then nodded. I cheered.

“Thanks Consuela!” I kissed her cheek and ran upstairs flopping straight onto my bed.

*Couple hours later*

I woke up and luckily my headache had died down! My head didn’t feel like someone was hammering it consistently anymore!

 I got out of bed and did my hygiene routine before getting dressed and going downstairs. I entered the kitchen expecting Consuela to be cooking me a full breakfast, but to my reality all I received was an apple and a note. I picked up the note and read it:

‘Dear Angela,

I’ve quickly left to go shopping! I left you an apple to eat for now ‘till I return.

DON’T attempt to cook ANYTHING! We don’t want a repeat of the last time.

I’ll see you soon,


I giggled to myself as I recalled the memory; All I wanted was some noodles! Yet I managed to set the microwave on fire! It was pretty awesome in my opinion, but Consuela was far from amused…

I picked up my car keys and headed out. I needed some Mc Donald’s!

I arrived at Mc Donald’s and parked my car. I grabbed my wallet, entered inside and waited in line. Just as I was about to order, I heard a slight commotion near the door and I turned to see what was going on.

“Man! You dropped my phone!” The boy said glaring at the older boy, as the older boy laughed. The two little girls were laughing also. I looked the older boy up and down, and damn… He was fine. He walked ahead with, who I guessed were, his brother and sisters. I think I was checking him out a little too hard as I didn’t notice the cashier calling me.

“Ma’am? Ma’am?” The Cashier repeated. I snapped out of my trance,

“Hurry up girly! People have places to be!” A fat guy complained behind me.

He was so fat you could hear the grease oozing from him… And I’m not even exaggerating!

“Sorry…” I mumbled before giving my order. I waited a few minutes, paid and took my food from the Cashier. It looked so mouth-watering; Big juicy Big Mac, golden crispy fries and the ice cold Fanta. It was a little overwhelming… So overwhelming that it caused me to bump straight into someone knocking both our trays of food over.

“Shit!” The guy yelled, I gasped and felt the blood rush to my cheeks due to my embarrassment.

It just had to be the hot guy!

“I-I’m so sorry!” I pleaded genuinely, he just scolded me.

“It’s whatever.” He replied quietly but angrily, “Can we get more food Chressy?” The cute little girl said, he shook his head.

“I need to save the rest of the money Kat… I’m sorry guys!” They all groaned. The guilt was eating me alive! I needed to do something.

“I’ll pay!” I offered,

“No, it’s fine…”

“Please! Allow me!” I asked again, he just seemed to get angrier

“We’re not a Charity case you know!” He yelled in my face, I felt so small and vulnerable. Not just because of my height!

“I-I didn’t mean it like that…” I whispered,

“Then leave us the fuck alone.” He said, “Let’s go guys,” And with that they left.

I sighed, quickly ordered another meal and drove home.

I stared at the ceiling. Hard.

Those eyes were familiar! Too familiar! I just couldn’t put my finger to it! I tried my hardest to remember where I had seen those eyes before but nothing came to me. That boy… There was something about him that rings a bell!

Roc’s POV

“Meanie.” I heard Tasha say,


“Meanie!” She repeated, but this time with more confidence. I rolled my eyes,

“Now, how am I a meanie?” I asked not the slightest bit interested.

“The girl was sorry and she was willing to pay for us!” Tasha said earning another eye roll from me.

“We’re not a charity case.” I said, Tasha sighed.

“She didn’t call us that! You said so yourself that we, basically, had no money to buy more food!” She exclaimed. I had to admit… She had a point. But I wasn’t about to tell her 12 year old smart-ass!  

But I did feel a bit bad for blowing up on her like that... And there was something awfully familiar about her… I just couldn’t figure it out.



Sorry about this chapter! It wasn’t the best chapter in the world! However, future chapters will be better!

For outfits, check out @fxckyofashion_ on IG!

Next chapter on Wednesday!

Thanks, peace out!

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