Why Me? (Cameron Dallas FanFic)

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Chapter One

I felt my dad's fist make a connection with me face as I whimpered in pain. You would think I would be used to this by now. He's been abusive ever since my mom had passed away of stage four cervical cancer. Those have been the longest six years of my life honestly. He would beat on me and then go for my twin sister Kayla.

After a good ten minutes of being beaten a bruised he left me on the floor, tears streaming down my swollen face and went for Kayla. This is what hurt me most. To see my sister who has been nothing but a perfect angel of a child all of her life getting hit over and over and over again. She whimpered louder each time he hit her. Usually he takes longer with her, it's like to him she's the most disappointing which I don't even find possible. She has been nothing but sweet to him even now and this is how she get's treated. To say that this pissed me off was clearly an understatment.

"Okay Jack. I think she has had enough," I murmurmed. I stopped calling him dad when he quit treating us like human beings; we were no longer his children in his eyes.

"Excuse me?" He glared at me as his eyes turned black and his face began to heat up.

"Did I stutter? I said she has had enough." I was finally picking myself up off the floor. That was probably a big mistake but it killed me to see my own sister like this; bruised and sobbing wishing the pain would go away.

"That's it. Get out!" he bellowed and walked out of our room. He said it like it was a bad thing that he was kicking us out. Trust me, I've been waiting to hear those words for years . . . prick.

Kayla slowly but surely picked herself up off the ground, her cheeks stained from tears that were obviously still falling. My heart melted. No one should have to go through what she is, or either of us for that matter. She didn't say a word, she just frowned and stared blankly at the floor.

"Kayla, we're leaving."

"Mackenzie, we can't just leave we have no place to go, no food; we have nothing," she choked out. I was about to prove her wrong.

I walked to our closet and pulled out a jar I had hidden atleast eight years ago and showed it to her. It had a little over $10,000 in it. Her eyes widened and she gave me a confused look. "I've been saving this up for quite sometime for college but let me tell you, college is the least of our worries right now," I said with tears filling my eyes. "Pack your things, we're leaving tonight." A small smile appeared on Kayla's face. Her face was now lit up with hope and determination.

Once we changed into suitable clothing and were all packed up we opened the window and instantly hopped out. I can't even begin to explain how amazing it felt to be out, like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

Thanks to the six years we were in track we sprinted our way towards the train station without stopping to catch our breath. My excitment increased as the building came in sight and we neared it. I looked at Kayla as we were running and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Two tickets to Los Angeles please," I said handing the lady in the booth our money. She looked at our bruised faces with concern and pity then handed us the tickets and informed us that the train would be leaving in about five minutes. The quicker we left this place, the better.

We sat down on a bench and waited. Thoughts of our future were filling my head and made me feel warm inside.

The thoughts didn't go on much longer as Kayla snapped me out of them, informing me that we were leaving. I was filled with bliss once it actually sunk in that we were leaving this hell hole never to that monster we once called a father again. Good bye Dallas, Texas . . . Hello Los Angeles, California.

The second we got on the train we sat down and relaxed. I placed my hand in my lap and felt myself drift asleep. That is until someone had woken me up.

"Hello, I'm Cameron," a boy with brown hair and brown eyes greeted us as he sat down next to me. He was unexplainably gorgeous, pretty much perfect in every way possible. I gave him a warm smile.

"Hey, I'm Mackenzie and this is my twin Kayla."

"Yeah I can totally tell you two are twins but anyways, why are your pretty little faces black and blue if you don't mind me asking?" he asked sweetly.

"Well, let's just say our dad in not too fond of us," Kayla said looking at her feet.

"To say in the least," I piped in.

"You're dad did this to you?!" he asked with a look of shock spreading across his perfect face. We both nodded as I tried not cry "I am so sorry. . ." he said faintly.

"It is what it is," I simply stated.

"Do you guys have somewhere to stay for the night? He questioned. I shook my head and let my face fall into my hands. "You two are welcome to stay with me if you don't mind staying in a house full of boys."

I looked at Kayla and she gave me the nod of approval. "Sounds great."

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2014 ⏰

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