Happy Thanksgiving

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AN: Man, time zones are weird. Ok, so Bella and Fidds board the plane to New Jersey at about 11:00 am, and it's a six hour flight, which means they arrive in New Jersey 5:00 pm Oregon-time. But in New Jersey, it would be 8:00 pm already. Haha... time zones are really fucked up... XD


Stan quickly looked up and beamed, seeing Bella running over their way. He stood up but was immediately knocked back down into the seat as Bella ran right into him. She squeezed him tightly, leaving kisses all over his face.

"I missed you I missed you I missed you!" She squealed.

"Haha! I missed you too!" Stan squeezed her back and kissed her on the lips. She giggled, beaming widely.

"Hey," Ford chuckled from the seat beside Stan. Their mom sat on the other side of Ford, also laughing quietly. "Where's-?"

"Bella! Ah can' carry three bags all on my own!"

"Oh!" Ford shot up, hurrying over to his boyfriend. He took two of the bags he was carrying/dragging. "Hey, Fidds."

"Hi, Ford," Fiddleford grinned. They went back over to the others together, setting down the bags when they reached them. "Howdy, Stan."

"Hey Fiddlesticks," Stan smiled.

"Ah see we're still doin' the nickname," Fiddleford nodded.

"So you two must be Stanley and Stanford's friends," Ma smiled, standing up.

"Oh! Yes!" Ford remembered. "Ma, this is Fiddleford, and that's Bella."

"Hello!" Bella chimed, waving her hand quickly.

"It's nice ta meet ya," Fiddleford smiled, reaching out to shake Ma's hand.

"And you too," she smiled. "I've heard so much about the two of you. Stan and Ford always go on and on about you.

"Ma!" The twins whined.

"Well I would sure hope so," Bella giggled. She hung onto Stan's arm, rocking back and forth. "I am Stan's girlfriend."

"Oh, yes!" Ma grinned. "Here, let me get a look at you."

"Ma, please not this again-"

"Oh hush," Ma scolded jokingly, reaching to set her hands on Bella's shoulders. The teen shrunk away a bit.

"Uh, sorry- I'm- I'm just a bit... sensitive," Bella explained nervously. "With touch from... people I don't know too well."

"Oh, sorry," Ma nodded. She looked Bella over thoughtfully and smiled. "Well, I can see why my little Stanley has a crush on you."

"Oh my gosh, Ma!" Stan blushed furiously. Bella giggled.

"You're cute when you're red, Stan," she said.

"I'm not cute," Stan mumbled, folding his arms. "I'm manly."

"Be both," Bella shrugged.

"Well, why don't we get going?" Ma suggested. "If you're both ready?"

"Well, we've got everythin'," Fiddleford said. "Ah think we are ready ta go."

"Great," Ma smiled and led the kids out of the airport.

"Wow," Bella spoke, looking at her phone. "It's so late already! Time zones are weird!"

"Ah know, right?" Fiddleford agreed. "It's like, five fer us."

"Ugh, tell me about it," Stan rolled his eyes. "Adjusting to everything being three hours earlier wasn't easy, either."

"We probably shouldn' try ta adjust, though," Fiddleford said. "It might mess us up when we go back ta school. We're only stayin' fer a few days."

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