Chapter 1

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Reborn's Setting

It was a dark and stormy night, while Reborn was driving home to his mansion; he is the #1 Hitman, so yeah. 

Fading in, it started to pour and slaps of water fell on the ground. A scream occured in the distance. 

Suddenly, Reborn grabbed his gun out of the back seat and slammed the car door open. He couldn't believe his eyes.

 A brunet was there. His eyes, hurt; his legs and arms, bruised; his face; dreaded. Men with black fedora's, and suits that had black stains. 

They took out their shot guns and began shooting. Quickly, Reborn dodged them smoothly and tripped them, easily.

 The passed out men were on the floor. Reborn turned around, and looked at the boy. "S-stranger...danger...." He said.

 Reborn went in his pocket and pulled out a orange flavored gum. "Here you go." Reborn said, pointing it at the scared brunet. 'I-i shouldn't t-take stuff from strangers.....' He thought. 

Reborn read his mind, and sighed. "Don't worry, this gum isn't poisonous. See?" He said. "I'll break it." Reborn snapped it in half and chewed one of the other gums. 

When he blew a bubble, it splattered on his face. 

"H-ha ha!" The boy laughed. "Whats your name?"

 The hitman asked the brunet. "My name is...Tsunayoshi, but p-please c-call me Tsuna..." The brunet told the hitman. 

"O-okay!! What's your name?" "My name is Renato Sinclair, but call me Reborn." Reborn told the name thats now addresed as, Tsuna. 

"Your face looks funny he...he..." Tsuna laughed. "Where are your parents?" Reborn said, confused. "I don't know.

 My mommy said that she will come back later. My daddy said that I can go anywhere, as long as I forget them.---" 

Reborn spit out the gum and placed Tsuna on his shoulder. "Live with me, and I will teach you the rights from wrongs!" Reborn smiled. 

Tsuna blushed and hugged the hitman. "T-thank you." He whispered. 'Who would tell their child to stand in the middle of an open area thats crowded in public. I need to investigate this.


When Reborn and Tsuna arrive to their new home, Tsuna banged on the door. Reborn opened it and the kid hid behind the sofa. "I don't tru--"

 Tsuna tried to finish, but Reborn stuffed a cookie in his mouth. "Have that." He said coldly. "I-i sorry, Tsuna has no friends." Reborn awe'd and handed him another cookie.

 "Here you go." Reborn said and blushed as looking at him nibble every bite. "C-can Tsuna and Rebo play hide-and-go-seek? Pwease? For me?(:3)"

 Tsuna said with a determined face, and a sweet voice.

 "I'll count, and my name is Reborn, not...Rebo...'kay?" Reborn pleased. "k-kay!!" Tsuna jumped up and smiled. Reborn counted for thirty seconds. 

"Here or not, here I come...." The annoyed hitman moaned.

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