Tam's Secret

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Fitz was graduating from the elite levels! Sophie thought it was so exciting. The ceremony was the day after tomorrow. After the ceremony Fitz would become his own person. Fitz looked so grown up! After all, he was 19 years old. Sophie was in a trance thinking about how good he looked. Beautiful, gorgeous, teal eyes...
"Did you hear anything I just said?" Said a familiar voice.
"No, um, sorry. What?" Sophie asked Biana.
"Ugh," the pretty girl rolled her eyes. " I SAID, to celebrate Fitz's graduation, you are coming over to Everglen! Don't worry, I already asked Edaline."
"Oh, great!"
Just then Fitz, Keefe, and Dex came to their table all laughing. Goodness, Fitz had a nice laugh...
Soon Tam and Linh made it over to the table. "Hey, sorry guys, unfortunately, I have to, uh, go somewhere, but I wanted to say hi, and that I will be able to attend on Friday." Tam said clearly speaking of the sleepover.
After Tam left, Linh burst in a fit of giggles. "Sorry, I just know where he's going. He has secretly been dating Marella for about a month."
"Oh, that's great!" Sophie said. After the Black Swan defeated the Neverseen, Marella had apologized, and are now really close friends again.
"Yeah," Linh said.
"Wow, Bangs Boy has a girlfriend? Didn't see that one coming."
"You should be happy for him, Keefe." Biana said. "Not to mention, he grabbed a girl before you."
"Hey, I have dated five girls!"
"Yeah, but he's only been here two years, remember?"
Keefe mumbled something that sounded like 'Always has to be the best' under his breath.
Just then the bell rang indicating that the group should get to their first class.
Sophie gave a quick wave to her friends before heading off to telepathy.
When she and Fitz got there, Teirgan was waiting for them. He motioned for them to sit.
"Now, we are doing something a little different today. Because Fitz is graduating, we will have an extra practice tomorrow." Here Teirgan stopped and smiled. "Today you will share all of your secrets EXCEPT one. Okay? Okay. You may begin."
(Fitz is in brackets. Sophie is parenthesis.)
[So, how do you want to do this?]
(I dunno. I guess I'll go first. So, uh, the council is having me graduate on Friday too, because I've pretty much mastered everything. They want me to become an Emissary.)
[Oh, that's SO cool! The Council already recruited me as an Emissary so I start after graduation. Hey! What if we go on trips together with our dad's!]
(Cool! But slow down, you're not getting out of it that easily. What's YOUR secret?)
[I...um...oh, got it! I have a crush on someone. Unfortunately, they could probably never like me back]
Sophie was filled with jealousy. Who was it? (Who do you like?)
[THAT is the secret I'm saving]
(Oh. I feel the same way. The person I like isn't going to like me like that. And before you ask, the person I like I'm saving as a secret.)
"Guys," Teirgan said. "Be prepared. Tomorrow you will share your biggest secret."
The color drained from both of their faces. Then Sophie fainted.

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