a matter of time

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"So, did you get pussy at the party?"

Tobin can't help but smirk when she hears Kellys crude question because, guess what? She did get pussy at the party. And not just any pussy, Christen's pussy. Christen who she's been chasing relentlessly since freshman year and in love with for God who knows how long.

"Fucking finally! Who was it? That babe from biology class? The sophomore cutie that has the hots for you? Oh, oh I know, this chick with the big booty from across the street! I saw her at the party and she was eye-fucking you the whole time." Kelly tries to guess while trying to kill Emily on call of duty with Tobin's PS4.

"I don't even care who it was, I'm just happy you're finally moving on from being press' lap dog. It was getting so fucking old." Emily states , not taking her eyes off the TV and keeping her fingers moving over the controller.

Tobin doesn't say anything but not even Emily's not-all-that-nice comment is enough to wipe the smile off her lips. She's didn't care at all that her friends thought she was stupid for keeping trying to get with the green-eyed girl even after three years of rejection. She was too happy to let it get to her at the moment.

"Oh my God..." Kelly pauses the game when she realizes just how happy her friend is. And that could only mean one thing. "Was it Press?" This time, Tobin nods grinning like a little girl and her friends' jaws hit the floor. "No fucking way! The girl spends three years rejecting your ass and now she just opens her sexy legs for you all of a sudden? Just like that? Wait, you didn't drug her did you?" 

The taller girl rolls her eyes at her friend's stupid question, ignoring it. "What can I say, I looked damn fine last night and she noticed it." She raises her hand for a high five but none of them move an inch. "What?" 

"Dude, she's playing you. Monday she's gonna go back to pretending you don't exist and you're gonna get hurt." Emily shakes her head softly, knowing how it was gonna end. 

"Yeah, Emily is right. I mean, she's hot and all and I don't blame you for tapping that but she was probably just horny as fuck and you have feelings for her so it wasn't just sex for you, so yeah... you're gonna get hurt really bad." Kelley nods her head a few times and then she takes the chance to unpause the game and kill Emily's  character. 

"You asshole!" Emily hits the back of the smaller girl's head, who's laughing her ass off. 

"Guys, I'm not stupid, okay?" She bites her tongue when both of her friends laugh at her statement, pointing their fingers at her. "Yeah, whatever. I know she just wanted sex, she made it clear. I'm not expecting her to suddenly fall in love with me or anything."

"Will you finally stop chasing her now?" Kelley asks, turning the console off.

"Hell no! I didn't spend the last three years trying to get her to give up now." Again, she didn't care if the two of them (as well as everyone else) thought she was an idiot. She really liked that girl and she wouldn't stop until she was hers. 

"Oh, Tobin... you're so fucking stupid." Kelley earns yet another hit in the back of her head from Emily. "Dude, stop doing that!" 

"Stop being an ass!" 

Kelley rolls her eyes and looks back at Tobin. "Anyway, how was it? I bet she's a freak in bed, she looks like the kind of girl who likes it when you pull hard at her hair and tell her what a good girl she is." 

Tobin grabs a pillow from her bed and shoves it in the girl's face as hard as can. "Watch your mouth!" She warns her, before smiling from ear to ear. "And it was amazing".


Some kid from school was holding a party. Tobin didn't even know who it was and she didn't care either. It meant free booze and hot girls shaking their asses, who cares who the host was. God, she needed to stop hanging out with Kelley so much, she was starting to sound like her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2017 ⏰

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