Chapter 8

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I opened my eyes and groaned. I sat up and found I was in a room lowly light and worn stone down walls. My feet and wrists were chained. I shifted around when the door suddenly opened. Red Hood stepped through followed by a girl. Blackfire.

"Hello, glad to see your awake." He said mockingly.

"Where's Tim?" I asked with a growl.

"Unfortunately he got away, but not for long." Red Hood said closing the door.

Relief washed over me, at least he's safe.

"So kiddo, miss daddy yet?" Blackfire asked mockingly.

"You're making a huge mistake if you think you can keep me here." I said sternly.

"And whys that, becuase daddy's batman and he always saves the day?" She asked mockingly.

"Well there are other reasons." I said with an evil smirk.

Red Hood folded his arms and blackfire stepped closer to me. 

"Like what?" Blackfire asked sternly.

"I'm an Al Ghul bitch." I said sternly revealing the unlocked chains. 

Her eyes widened and I could practically feel the smirk coming from Red Hood. I punched blackfire in the nose and she squealed in pain. I got up and kicked her in the chest. I started to run towards the closed door when she grabbed my foot and I fell on the ground. She pinned me down but I struggled yelling as I did. I managed to get my arm and a foot free. Damn she's really strong.

"Little help Here!" She yelled looking to Red Hood.

"Looks like you got it handled." He said leaning against the wall.

I struggled harder.

"She's stronger than she looks." Blackfire said struggling to keep me down.

"Fine." Red Hood said walking towards me. 

I struggled harder once I saw him pull out a syringe. 

"Stop squirming Tanya, it's not a sedative." Red Hood said sternly crouching down to my level.

"Whatever it is, I don't need that in my body." I said struggling harder. 

"HOLD STILL YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Blackfire yelled.

She managed to keep my head still and Red Hood stuck the needle into my neck. I tried to squirm but my body wouldn't move. I grunted. Why am I not able to move?

"What did you do?" I asked sternly as Red Hood nodded at Blackfire.

"It's a paralyzing agent. You won't be able to move for another 3 hours." Red Hood said as Blackfire got off me.

"YOU ASS..." I started.

"Now now Tanya, lets not get to feisty." He said mockingly cutting me off.

He picked my limp body up and held me bridal style. I groaned in frustration and he set me down gently against the wall. My head dropped down limp and I rolled my eyes. He recurred my hands and feet and this time took away anything I could use to get out. 

"I hate you." I mumbled.

"Hates such a strong word sweetheart." He said lifting my chin up to meet the white eyes of his helmet.

"I'm not your sweetheart." I said with a growl.

He let go of my chin and my head dropped. I heard footsteps walking away and the door opening and closing shortly after. I decided to take a nap, not like I can do anything else at the moment. 

Time Skip

I woke up to the clang of the door. I jerked and quickly calmed down once Red Hood and Blackfire stepped through.

"Sorry to wake you little bird." Blackfire said with a grin plastered on her face.

"Yea well I don't know what it is but something tells me your not." I said rolling my eyes.

Well at least I can move again, but that's no good when your chained to a wall with nothing there to help you get out. I slumped down and saw Red Hood set up a camera. 

"Don't you think that's a little cliché?" I asked raising a brow.

"What?" He asked turning around.

"Well you know, beat me. Send the video to Batman, he comes to find a trap and you already dragged me to a new spot." I said rolling my eyes.

"It may be cliché but it works." He said grabbing a crowbar from his the ground.

"Ah a crowbar, gonna blow up the place after you beat me too? Make me suffer like he did, make me realize that Batman doesn't care and he isn't coming like he probably thought?" I asked raising a brow.

"Who is she talking about?" Blackfire asked looking to Red Hood who was tightening his grip on the crowbar.

"Not like you would care, I don't know why the hell he does." I said rolling my eyes.

"You know your a pain in my ass." Red Hood said walking up to me.

"I get that a lot." I said shrugging.

"Gee I wonder why." He said mockingly.

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm gonna enjoy this." He said walking back to the camera.

"I thought you were never gonna hurt me, that I was your pearl, your doll." I said smugly.

"I've hurt you before." He said as Blackfire stood by the camera.

Red Hood hit play.

"Hello Brucie." He said with a laugh.

I rolled my eyes.

"I've got your little baby girl here." He said mockingly.

"You know I'm gonna have to hurt you. And well since I can't do that physically we are just going to do that emotionally." He said twirling the crowbar.

"Starting with little Tanya." He said with a growl.

He showed the camera to me and I rolled my eyes.

"Wow I'm so scared." I said rolling my eyes.

Blackfire scolded me and I made a face back at her.

"You wanna play the glare game bitch? Let's play the damn glare game." I said sending the batglare in her direction.

Red Hood banged the crowbar against the wall and Blackfire jumped a little. I laughed at her reaction.

"Was that supposed to scare me?" I asked raising a brow.

"Sorry to say Hood, the only person in this room your gonna scare is the sissy over there." I said looking to Blackfire who shot me a glare.

See when it comes to interrogation videos to get father to come save me. Well let's just say mine are, interesting. Blackfire' hands turned purple.

"What you gonna blast me?" I asked raising a brow.

"Go ahead, he will kill you. He might not be in my side but he swore that he wouldn't hurt me, so if you hurt me your most likely dead." I said rolling my eyes.

"I DONT CARE!" Blackfire yelled as she shot the bolt of energy at me. 

My eyes widened and in seconds a burning sensation went through my body. I screamed in pain and gasped for air as tears spilled from my mask. I saw Red Hood stop the video then run over to me. The pain left and my vision started to fade. My body went limp as Red Hood shook my shoulders violently. My eye lids closed and everything went black.

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