Chapter 4

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Stiles remained a willing participant to Derek’s werewolf cuddling until sirens wailed through his state of almost sleep. He jerked out of Derek’s grasp, quick as a flash.

“I wasn’t doing anything,” he cried, rubbing his eyes and glancing around with a heightened sense of paranoia, expecting his father to come barrelling into the room at any given moment.

Derek blinked up at him in confusion, his muscular arms looking very inviting and he very nearly climbed back into bed so they could be wrapped around him again. Because that made so much sense

“What's with the look?” he asked, sitting up and exposing his very naked and deliciously toned chest as the blankets came free. He was still wearing pants, thank God, so Stiles didn’t really have to avert his eyes or anything. Not that he was ogling him, or that his mouth had fallen open at the sight. Nope.

He moved to the window, cautiously peering around the curtain. “My dad- the Sheriff. Sirens usually means I’m grounded.”

Derek gave him a flat look and climbed out of bed, showing off a very nice looking ass. Stiles' eyes followed as Derek disappeared into the bathroom without a word.

The door stayed open too, and he wondered if that was some kind of werewolf jedi mind trick or an invitation to follow. He’d actually taken a step forward before the shower started running, warning him of the very naked and probably sexually frustrated alpha in there.

And the full moon was Saturday, so things were about to get intense. Not that they weren't already since Derek had scented him for like the whole afternoon and Stiles had enjoyed every second of it. That had been slightly unexpected.

Derek abruptly walked out into the bedroom, dripping wet and completely naked. Naturally, Stiles' eyes shifted downward. The sight was definitely beyond expectations.

“Oh my God. That’s- a naked alpha,” he cried, scrambling back into the window as if considering jumping out of it. “We are not having sex just because you look like- that and I let you cuddle me.”

He waved his hands out as if to ward off all the Derek hotness, but it wasn't that simple. No wonder Erica wanted a piece of dat ass, Stiles couldn't deny he was interested as well. Did he work out every minute of the day or something? How did anybody look like naturally? Werewolf, duh.

But Derek had clearly not been anywhere near performance enhancing drugs if the size of his cock was anything to go by. Just, God.

“Hold still,” Derek spoke gruffly as his hand came out and gently brushed something wet across the marks on Stiles' face. “To stop infection.”

Stiles dipped his fingertips in the stuff. It definitely didn’t feel pleasant. “You didn’t use-“

And then suddenly his face was on fire. “Oh ow! Sweet mother of-” he screeched. “Was that Betadine?! Oh God, I hate you so much right now! I would have rather you just lick it, fuck!”

He clutched at his face until the pain dulled and Derek leaned in close, surprising him into complete stillness. Stiles' heart rate increased, and he wished he could pretend that Derek wasn’t the hottest human being on the planet.

“Is that an invitation?” he asked, raising his eyebrows.

Stiles shook his head. “Nope, nope. Just a general observation with no sexual undertones or invitations to, um-“

Derek snorted and walked back into the shower, giving Stiles an even better view of his ass then before. Because he was naked and sexy and Stiles' life was unfair. He felt maybe he should pray to the libido Gods to thank them for such a wondrous vision.

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