Chapter 8 - Rachel

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[September 4, 2017]

“I’m Commander Eden’s second-in-command, leaving me with the title ‘Captain’.” Rachel explains happily while adding more firewood to the campfire.

“Pshhh what? Since when was Eden in charge?” Andy says sarcastically.

“Since she saved our lives.” Amanda responds before Rachel.

“Touché.” Andy backs up, hands up in defeat. Rachel and the other three laugh as they finish off the shelter that's been keeping them busy for the past two hours. They've covered most of the spots with pine needles, using a tarp as the final layer.

Rachel looks over at Eden, whom has already started boiling the water with the survival pots Katerina found back at the bunker. “Hey, Commander, need some help?”

Eden turns her attention towards Rachel and chuckles, turning her head back towards the water, “I’m fine, Captain Ma.”

A wide, toothy grin plastered on her face, Rachel walks towards Eden, helping her with the meal. MREs are all in packets, so heating them up isn’t too difficult when all you have to do is dunk the packs into a pot of boiling water.

After the shelter and the meal was completed the rest of the group washed their hands and sat down, circling the fire. Rachel looks up, peering towards the dark, beautiful, peppered-with-stars, night sky. The time spent getting to this place definitely payed off. Far from society, far from danger. Rachel thinks to herself.

“You know, I thought this food would taste terrible considering it looking like astronaut food. But it's actually pretty good.” Andy mentions, happily eating.

“Wise words spoken, my friend,” Eden smiles, “Enjoy it while it's still here. I want our first night to be the best since the outbreak so eat as much as you can. Starting tomorrow we’ll have to properly ration our food…”

Everyone frowns at the thought.

“...until we find and raid a Costco.”

Rachel laughs, looking away from her friend, "I don't know her."

They all laugh, Eden shaking her head.

“But until then, eat up. I’ll prepare a nutritional and wild breakfast tomorrow morning to balance out the meat and bread we’re consuming today. I’ll talk more about it tomorrow, but after breakfast we’re going to be distributed with jobs. Look out for another adventure.”

Rachel acknowledges and continues to eat. She looks over at the sleeping Serena, too weak to wake up and eat. “She’ll need the energy from the food. Are you sure we shouldn't wake her up?”

Eden nods. “She’ll eventually wake up when she gets hungry. But I’ll take care of her. You don't have to worry.”

“Okay then.”

Everyone continues to eat in silence, focused on filling themselves up for tomorrow. Rachel looks up, catching Eden staring at Serena and lost in thought as she always is. Rachel grins evilly, “Say…Eden. Why are you staring at her?”

The group looks over at Eden and notices as well.

Eden snaps out of thought and looks over at the group with evident guilt in her eyes. “Huh, what?”

Rachel sighs, knowing Eden wasn't that oblivious. “Hey Commander. Speak up.”

Eden smiles warmly, looking at Serena for a moment before looking back. “I…”

Amanda, who's been sitting beside Eden pats her friend on the back. “Spill.”

Rachel joins the tease. “She’s sleeping anyways. Either you confess to us now or when she's awake.”

Eden smiles, failing to meet Rachel’s eyes, “I’m scared.”

Rachel gasps. Scared? What? Scared isn't existent in Eden’s vocabulary!

“Of what?”

“Losing her.”

“Why are you so scared of that?”

Everyone turns toward Eden for her answer.

“Well…” Eden begins to speak, “She’s never been too social with other people. Never got close with many people. I'm not sure how but I happened to waltz into her life without getting killed. At first, she told me that she followed me because I seemed to know what I was doing. But after over analyzing what she said, I think she followed me because she knew that she'd be safer with me than anyone else. She left her other close friends because she believes that I'm the only person capable of keeping her alive."

Rachel nods, now understanding why Eden kept getting lost in her thoughts.

“I never thought of it this way before. She risked everything and trusted her life with me. Protecting her is the least I can do for her. I owe her that much.”

Rachel, along with the group, agrees, all looking towards the sleeping girl.

“Yes, you do. That's why we chose you as our leader.”

"What do you mean?" Eden asks, cocking her head to the side.

"You always put the group members before you. When you found out Serena was sick you immediately tried to help her because you appreciated the fact that she trusted her life to you; all the while training us to be independent, and trusting us with the task of building a shelter with our own inexperienced knowledge. Instead of making us rest and doing it all by yourself, you gave us a chance to prove our worth. You gave us a chance even when you never given yourself one." Rachel smiles, looking up at Eden, "And for that, I admire you. We all admire you."

The group agrees. Rachel drops to one knee, "As your friend and fellow group member, I pledge myself to you, Commander. I shall stay loyal to you for eternity, only under the condition that you respect me and other people with the respect we deserve."

"You make me sound so important," Eden laughs, "I accept. I will not let you or anyone down."

"I am grateful, Commander."

"Now please sit up I’m really not that important or great at anything. We're still friends. No need to treat anyone with more kindness." Rachel nods, finally allowing herself to sit.

"Now hurry up and eat so we can sleep."

Rachel smiles, happily finishing her MRE.


After cleaning up, the rest of the group takes out the wool blankets and tries to find a warm spot in their small shelter.

“Eden, you shouldn't stay so close to her like that. You might get sick, too. We can't risk you as well.” Rachel says, looking into Eden’s eyes with a concerned look.

“I insist. I’m the one who decided to keep her safe in the first place. I can't be a good leader if I can't take care of my people well.”

“But if you can't take good care of yourself, then what kind of leader are you in the first place, Commander?”

“I...understand. I’ll be careful. I promise.”

“That's good.” Rachel stands up and picks up a rifle, “I’ll take first watch.”

“Are you sure?”

“Don't worry about me. You need all the rest you can get.”

Eden sighs, throwing her hands up in defeat. “You win, Captain.”

“Damn right I did.” Rachel says, smiling. After loading up she begins to wander around the area.

Eden sighs, taking a seat beside Serena, tucking a fallen strand of hair behind her friend’s ear. Serena deserves much better.

Eden glances at everyone before turning back to Serena. Most people would consider the first day of the outbreak to be the worst; the start of an endless nightmare. But for them… She looks at Serena, sleeping peacefully, despite her cold sweat dripping down her forehead …I want them to remember the first day of the outbreak to be the best day of the outbreak. It would give them hope.

Eden lies down, frowning before she closes her eyes. In a corrupted world like this, every human deserves a bit hope. Right?

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