Alone and Afraid

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"Have fun at your cross country meet today sweetheart," My mom texted
"Thanks mom😘will do. See u later," I texted back. I was at school still getting ready to race. I set my phone down into my bag and continued to stretch.
Ten minutes later we were ready to leave. I ran already. My mile time was 5:47, I was a little faster than Ashely, my carpool friend. I have always been fast, even my sister Grace, I'm not sure how fast my mom and dad run though.
"Heads up!!" A guy yelled. Before I could look at what was flying at me, a soccer ball hit my stomach. I got the wind knocked out of me. I stood there for a second lifeless, trying to breath again. Then the chilly air filled my lounges again after 15 seconds went by not breathing.
A guy ran over and he asked," Are you ok? I'm so sorry I didn't think it would go over here. You know the wind up high moves things. I'm sorry. Do you want Starbucks. I can buy it for you to make it up." He finally stoped talking.
"I'm ok. Just the wind was knocked out of me. But wait how white do you thing I am?" I asked. I thought to myself does he think I'm like every other girl and thinks that Starbucks makes everything better?
" I just thought you would-" he stopped all of the sudden." Look. I'm sorry. My name is Matt. And I hope we can be friends because you are different and outgoing and I hope I didn't ruin any friendship that we could have." He simply said to me.
"Hi Matt my name is Brooklyn but you can call me Brook. And what does 'I'm different' suppose to mean?" I asked again.
"Well like most girls I have accidentally done something to them I would by them Starbucks and get there number. We would hangout and they would leave and they wouldn't be mad at me anymore But you don't seem to be a girl to fall for that." He explained
"It sounds to me that you are a F boy,"I told him," But not like any F boy I have met before. You try at least and don't give up to be on the good side of someone."
He looked at me speech less wondering how crazy I am. But at the same time he looked in love with me. I grab his phone out of his pocket while he stood there. I took his and and put his finger on the home button. It unlocked and I put my phone number in his phone and I walked away. I yelled half way to were Ashely was standing," see ya later!"
I saw Ashely standing with her dad waiting to leave the field.
"So you guys ready?" I asked.
"You bet. We've been ready." She said rudely. I started to walk and they followed. Ashely normally is way nicer but she's just sad that she slower than me.
10 minutes into the car ride I got a text from Matt.
"Is this the right number. Is this Brook?"He asked. I laughed a little because he had no trust in me that this was the right number.
"Ye-" I sent to him because there was a sudden stop to the car. I looked up and I saw traffic all up the road. I looked over to my right and saw someone laying on the side of the road lifeless. It was a girl but she had a man Bending over the side of her. His back was to us. But it looked like blood everywhere. He was trying to help her. It seemed she had a cut or something.
Ashely's dad hoped out of the car to go help. He slowly approached the two people. The man quickly turned around when he herd him. Her dad saw that that man was eating her. The man approached her dad with blood coming out off his mouth. He tried to push the man off that was attacking him but he couldn't. The man bit him on the shoulder. Ashely started to freak out and hopped out of the car to go help her dad but the man went after her too.I sat in the car. All alone. I locked the car up just in case they can open doors. I look out the window to see Ashely and her dad to see them being eaten. I turned around quickly and sat on the dirty car floor. I turned my phone on and called 911. But when that answered I told them what happened and they said to stay in the locked car and wait for the police. I texted Grace to stay inside and I told her what was happening. I texted my mom and dad and asked them to come home if they can. My mom said to stay home. She said they don't know what is happening but they are going every where.
I sat in the car. All alone and afraid. I sat there and cried my self to sleep hopping this horrible bloody day was just a nightmare.

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