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       The smell of his shirt is intoxicating, even when it's soaked with gross clumps of your snot and  tears. Pretty much everything was- no, is. Everything about him is intoxicating, In some way.

What is it that's happening again?

Oh. Right.

Your name is Kankri Vantas. And you are alone.

Cronus was such a big part of your life- or, afterlife. It's  only been a sweep  since he went away. Yet the others think you've gone insane. No one remembers him. Except for you. You remember the whole thing. He sang to you, he kissed you, he said he loved and adored you, he called you his one and only, his baby. You remember the bond you had- the love. That- that's exactly what you remember and it's what you want.

 One day you went to his "house" In search of his attention. And you found it. And you cried like you'd never cried before. There he was. Gills sewn shut, fins cut into ears, violet blood mixed with a peachy color of foundation, but worst of all, his horns ripped out of his skull- bits of his scalp stuck to the bottoms, his face starting to fall apart. Finally, a suicide note.

" To the people wvho care enough,

I'm gone. I'm finally gone and nevwer comin Back. I'll nevwer be human. And I realize this- I'm sorry for wvhoevwer finds me, but it's for the best.

Because I'm sure only Kankri cares about me, I'm only wvriting to him you ungrateful shits.

My dearest.

My lovwe. 

Please don't cry. You knowv I nevwer wvant you to be sad. I lovwe seein you smile, hearin you giggle. Kankri I lovwe you. You as a wvhole. You wvere meant to be mine, I wvas meant to be yours.

And keep in mind that -True lovwe nevwer dies baby.-

~Cronus "

When you were done reading the letter his body was gone. And now here you are. Crying, wrapping yourself in his shirt, and trying to get words out between sobs.

"Ca-can y9u-9u just st9p d9ing this t9 me?!"


"I kn9w y9u were real!"

More silence.



You gasp and look up- small sobbing hiccups escaping your throat. No ones there.


You look around again and there still no one there.


Suddenly you start to cough and sputter. Your throat and chest burns as blood flows out of your mouth and nose- it all burns and you clench your eyes and-

You're  in Cronus's human bed, you remove your hands from your eyes. Your skin is a tan color, you're somehow wearing Cronus's shirt now- and a gentle hand directs your face to theirs, and then you know. He's yours. His hair is a dark brown, he has peachy skin, he has blue eyes, but is is definitely your Cronus. He's just in the right body- and you think you are too.

He smiles. "True lovwe nevwer dies baby."

"And 9ur l9ve will never end."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2018 ⏰

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