Ch.1 Finally A Friend

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Hey everyone, just one heads up, characters that died in the movie aren't dead in here, except Gerorgie, I'm sorry I sound awful. So like when she comes is just a few years later from when Pennywise came and The Losers kicked his ass.  Hope you enjoy. ❤

I walk down the aisles in the store, not really noticing where I'm walking. I then run into a guy, I land right on my ass. I laugh at my stupid self, "I'm so sorry" I look up at see a guy, "it's okay" I giggle, "here let me help you up" he smiles and he reaches out his hand, I take it and he lifts me up. "So what's your name, I don't recognize you" he said, "I'm Winter, how about you" I smile, "I'm Henry, why don't we hang out later" he smiled, "sure, what time, and where" I say feeling a blush rising to my face, "5 o'clock and at my place" he smiles. "Okay" I smile, "here, give me your hand" he says, I then lift my hand and he flips it over to the palm of my hand and takes out a pen, he bites the cap off and write on my hand. He finishes and put the cap back on and shoves it in his pocket, I look and see his address. "Thank you" I smile, "no problem sweet heart" he smiles, "see you tonight" I smile, "yep, see you tonight" he smiles and we then part and go back to what we were doing.

I get home and smile, can't believe I finally might be friends with someone. I put my food away and go get changed.

I put my outfit on (⬆️) and I check myself one more time and I head down stairs

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I put my outfit on (⬆️) and I check myself one more time and I head down stairs. I decide to walk since it wasn't that far.

I walk up on the porch and I knock on the door. A hear footsteps and the door swings open and I see Henry, "hey" he smiles, "hey" I smile back. He lets me in and we sit down, "want anything to drink" he ask, "sure whatcha got" I ask, "Coke, Dr. Pepper, beer, and whiskey" he says,  "I'll take a glass of whiskey please" I smile, "damn you are a real woman" he smirks and goes get my drink.

He comes back with two glasses of whiskey, he hands me mine and we chat and sip our whiskey.

A few hours later I decide to head home, "well I gotta get going, it was really nice talking with you, thank you" I smile, "your welcome and I love hanging out, you will probably come around again my friend" he smiles, "friends" I question, "yes we are now friends" he laughs and pulls me into a hug, he has nice hugs,  "alright goodnight Winter" he smiles, "goodnight Henry" I smile and walk out.

I turn down my street and I hear someone. "Hey, hey you" I hear a voice say, "where are you" I call back, "down in the drain" he says, "the drain" I question. "Yes now come here" he says, I go to the drain and get on my hands and knees. I look in and see a pair of blue eyes. "Hi-ya you new here in Derry" he grins, "yeah, and why are you down in this sewage drain" I ask, "the circus was blown away and I ended up in here" he says, his face was painted white, his lips were red and was drawn up through his blue eyes, he had orange hair and a gentle smile. "I'm Pennywise the dancing clown" he smiles, "I'm Winter" I smile, "Winter what a beautiful name, I love the season winter" he says, "me too" I giggle. "How about tomorrow at 3:00pm you come to the Barrens and we can meet" he smiles, "okay will do" I smile, "alright sounds good, goodnight Winter, get home safe" he smiles, "goodnight Pennywise, sleep well" I smile and stand up making my way home.

I get in my house and smile, Pennywise, hmm, he is pretty cute for a clown. But why is he in the sewer.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2017 ⏰

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