Places of the Pack: (Dens)

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Alpha Den: Where the alphas sleep. Guarded by two guards.

Beta Den: Where the Betas sleep. Guarded by two guards.

Sentinel Den 1: Where the first pair of Sentinels sleep. Guarded by one guard.

Sentinel Den 2: Where the second pair of Sentinels sleep. Guarded by one guard.

Assassin Den: Where the Spies of the Pack sleep. Not guarded.

Elders Den: Where the elders sleep. Guarded by one guard.

Medics Den/Infirmary: Where the medic sleeps. It is also a infirmary for the Pack. Guarded by one guard.

Guards Den: Where the guards sleep. Not guarded.

Lead Warrior Den: Where the Warriors and Lead Warrior sleep. Not guarded.

Lead Scout Den: Where the scouts and Lead Scout sleep. Not guarded.

Omega Den: Where the omegas sleep. Not guarded.

Pups Den: Where the Pup Watchers and Pups sleep. Guarded by one guard.

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