1. I'm doomed!

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"How many colleges did you apply to yet?" This was Christopher. We've been friends since freshman year. We lost touch in junior year because of the job offer my parents got in Washington and having to move us to move 500 miles away. So here we are. Our final year of high school, reconnecting as if the separation never happened. Sure we had FaceTime and social media, but it wasn't the same as seeing each mother everyday.

"I️ actually haven't applied to any yet..." I️ sheepishly said. It was only October! There's still a lot of time. I could do it later. And besides, I️ was getting bombarded by AP Lang work.

"Eva! You can't just keep pushing things to the side," Chris sighed.

"I'm struggling to keep up in AP Lang, Chris," I️ softly replied back. "I️ have a D, right now and I️ can't even begin to explain how embarrassing it is." I️ really shouldn't have taken two AP classes my senior year. How naive was I️ to take two AP classes my first year of ever taking it? And to make matters worse, my senior year?

"Oh come on, Eva. It can't be that bad!" Chris rolls his eyes. Can't be that bad?! Its hell! When I signed up for AP Lang on my schedule my junior year when we were picking classes, I️ figured I️ could handle it and get by. I️ barely made it through the first quarter of the class. I️ scraped by with a C! Yeah, yeah. A C isn't even that bad! Well, in the eyes of my parents a C was an F. I️ thought my writing was decent. That was until we had our first in-class timed exam. Everything went down hill after that, just like my GPA. My writing was trash, and the amount of revisions I've had to make on my mid-quarter essay was proof of that.

"It is that bad! Look, unless I️ don't get a tutor ASAP and lift my grade up to an A, I'm doomed!" I️ frantically exclaimed. Why not settle for a C? Well unlike regular courses, AP classes are on a 5-point scale instead of a 4. So if I️ were to get a C in the class, it would be counted as a B when incorporated into my GPA. You get where I'm going with this? That's why I️ need to have an A to pull my semester 1 grade up for the class.

"But no one would be willing to —"

"Put aside time to tutor someone their senior year. Yeah, I️ know." I️ cut Christ off and sighed. It just wasn't possible. Heck, I️ wouldn't even want to bother tutoring someone my senior year either. Especially if it wouldn't benefit me in anyway. Hell, it's fend for yourself or drown. Chris checked the time on his phone and packed his stuff into his bag.

"Look, I️ gotta go pick up my brother from school. But I'll see you tomorrow at the college sign-up for HPU, yeah?"

"Right! I️ totally forgot about that!" I️ groaned as I️ watched Chris leave towards the parking lot.

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