You wish you were dead

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The night was too dark to see anything. Only in a few houses the lights were still burning. The unknown one with the black sweater was sitting in the house of his next victim. They were talking about the share prices and were drinking tea. The one with the black sweater couldn't wait any longer. He was nervous and he hated this silly conversation. After a few minutes the tea cup of his former friend was empty and he looked a bit surprised. After the one with the black sweater had said goodbye he went out of the door with an evil laugh.

Delia Second was gnawing on her upper lip and was looking out of the window. She was really bored because there was nothing to do. A few birds were flying in the sky and at the moment she would prefer to go with them. But suddenly the phone rang and she answered the call right away. Her old friend and detective partner John told her about the murder of an about 50 - year - old man. The inspector in her was immediately ready and she promised to go to the crime scene right away. Half an hour later she was standing among the forensics team and her colleagues. They told her that they all should wait for further evidence but she was fidgety and impatient. She couldn't wait to start with the investigation.

Delia felt frustrated because even in three days she couldn't find out more. It didn't really help that she heard about another murder on a Christmas market. "Both victims died of cyanide", she pondered, "So perhaps there is a connection". Her colleagues were unconvinced, even her detective partner John but she was pretty sure they were rather too lazy than unconvinced. Delia looked for photos of the victims. They were both already identified, so it was not difficult to do. The first victim, a man named Tom Huber, was a short overweight man. Sera Wall, the woman who was found on the Christmas Market, was his opposite. But their faces looked similar. Delia had a presumption theory and she did everything possible to prove it. And she was right. The victims were related. That put an entirely different light on the matter.

Now Delia had a plan. She knew the other inspectors would laugh at her so she was alone on this evening. She strolled through the Christmas market without buying anything. The stands around her were attractive but she only watched the people. She did not even notice the smell of cookies all around her. And then in the twilight she saw an unknown person with a black sweater and a woman whose face was very similar to the faces of the victims. The one in the sweater gave her a cup of tea. Delia was shocked. Was she really right? After a moment of thinking she started to run. She knocked the cup out of the woman's hand and started to scream. The potential murder wanted to flee and Delia followed him. She hoped that the woman would call the police. The drunken people did not help because they didn't know anything and so it was one of the most hopeless situations in her whole career. The murderer - she was absolutely sure he was the murderer - was a very fast runner and Delia knew she did not really have a chance to catch him. After a while she was far away from the Christmas market in a kind of slum. Suddenly she saw through the plan of the murderer. "He wants to murder me too", she thought but now it was too late to do things better. When she entered a dilapidated hut somebody drove a knife into her arm and a terrible ache flashed through her. Delia was shocked. This murderer was more cruel than she had thought. He dragged her into a corner. Then he took an empty ink cartridge and filled some of her blood in it. He pushed it into a fountain pen and gave her a piece of paper. "Write down what I say" he whispered in a scratchy voice. And she did it because she knew he wouldn't hesitate to kill her. "The more time, the better", she thought. But there was no way out of this terrible situation. It was just like a crime story when he took his knife a second time and laughed at her. He stabbed her in the belly and suddenly there was the woman from the Christmas market. Why was she there? She helped the murderer! She filmed Delia and the murderer in the black sweater with a camera. The stitches were so painful! For a while she heard nothing and she saw nothing. Her face was wet from her tears. Somebody whispered in her ears, "You wish you were dead". And then she felt nothing any more.

John was sitting in his room and was staring at a letter. It was a letter from Delia, his detective partner for so many years. She was gone for three months now and he noticed that he missed her more than normally. Maybe that was because he had fallen in love with her a year before. However he opened the letter and a camera fell out. He switched on the camera and started to watch the video in the camera. And it shocked him. The video showed how somebody cruelly killed Delia. The only thing he thought was: "Why?". He started to read the letter. It was written with red ink. Or blood. Maybe. The last sentence was written with black ink. I have put cyanide capsules into the letter for you. Because I am sure you wish you were dead. Be sure Delia wished it too.

And John looked at the cyanide capsules.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2017 ⏰

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