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Jungkook was generally a warm body. Like as in he didn't get cold very easily. Which is both a blessing and a curse.
Blessing is obvious I️ mean he never really worrying about being cold.
Curse though is also getting REALLY worried about getting cold.
Because here's the thing.
Jungkook's body does not cope well with being cold but it's so rare no one even knows this. Jungkook himself even forgets.

And so, when a shoot ended up pretty cold, no one thought anything of his shivers. I️ mean everyone was cold. Jungkook had started feeling his body aching with every shiver but he ignored it. It wasn't unnatural to feel uncomfortable in cold after all.

Yet when they got in the car on the way home that's when all hell broke lose.

Tae of course fallowed Jungkook to the back of the van and huddled like a penguin to the younger boy. Soon he began to notice how Kook's shivers didn't calm down at all as time passed. Kooks body shook vigorously while his face was hidden in Tae's neck.
"Hey Kookie you alright?" It was strange to not feel any warmth from Jungkook's normal heat producing body. He felt so cold to the touch. Instead of an answer Tae was met with a new coldness on his shoulder and and slight whimper from Jungkook's lips. Tae's eyes widened and instinctively pulled away to look at his Kookies face.
"Baby what's wrong??!" Tae all bout shouted. But Kook, even through his tear stained cheeks, brought up a single finger to his lips while his eyes begged for Tae to remain quiet.
To his discontent though it was too late. Yoongi was already turning around, along with Jimin, to see what the commotion was. Upon being met with Kooks shaking shoulder and watery eyes a cloud of worry filled the vehicle.
"Jk what's wrong?" Yoongi asked with a low calm voice.
Jungkook shook his head and leaned close as possible back into Tae.
"H-hurts" at first was all he could say. Jimin met Tae's confused face with his own before looking back at Jungkook.
"What hurts baby? How can I️ help?" Taehyung was feeling a bit frantic.
"M-my body... it *hard shake* not used to bein... cold" Jungkook's voice didn't even shake like a person who is cold usually does... he just sounded like he was in deep pain. He cringed with every word spoken, and every shiver produced. Big crocodile tears poring from his beautiful brown eyes. The sight broke Taehyung's heart.
Surprisingly enough Yoongi was first to react. He promptly climbed over the seat and wrapped his jacket around Jungkook and beckoned for the other two do to the same. Soon all of 7 members jackets where around Jungkook in some way and Tae was rubbing his hands up and down Kooks arms. The shivering didn't really stop only calmed a bit. Tae was at a lose listening to his boyfriends soft whimpers. Once they got inside their shared home Tae was quick to request hot coco or soup for Kookie while he took him to the couch and brought piles of blankets.

After getting nice amount of warm soup into Jungkook's system and tears stopping he was finally able to speak up again.
"I'm sorry to worry you T-Tae it's my fault-" Jungkook started, " I️ forgot this happens... my body just really freaks out when I️-I️ actually get c-cold to my bones." Tea just nodded. This again being a first for him he couldn't help his questions.
"That why your body is struggling to heat back up?" And Kookie nods and continues to explain
"Yeah, doctor says something about my body not feeling the need to adapt to cold till it's too late and goes into frantic "f-freezing to death mode" unnecessarily... honestly I️ felt it coming in earlier when the cold started to hurt but I️ t-thought I️ could hold out for just a bit longer... apparently I️ w-was wrong" his sentence ended with a small hiccup.
"How are you feeling now?" Taehyung asked "any better?"
Jungkook smiles warmly at him
"Yes hyung thank you so much" he leaned forward and laid a peck on Tae's nose. "Thank you to everyone. My back getting really warm which is a good sign." Open seeing the smile stay on his Kookies face, Teahyung finally felt like he could relax.
"Aish, I️ swear Kookie," Tea began with a deep sigh, " you should come with an interaction manual!
1. Don't give sugar
2. Don't let get cold!"
He says with with a shake of his head and and small smirk. Jungkook just giggled along
"Yeah your probably right about that hyung, but hey look at the bright side you can write it yourself." Tae smiled at that. He honestly could. Would make him proud to be able to know that much about his Kookie.
"Yeah well, I'll just keep it in my head cause writing it down would imply someone else would need it and I don't plan on letting anyone else have you!" Tae suddenly announces and Yoongi lets out a gag noise into the fallowing silent room. Everyone laughed and the cloud of worry disappeared into the joyful sound.

Honestly thank you to anyone who read this haha.. it's my first story and both events where based on person experiences and my boyfriend said that line to me " you should come with an instruction manual....." xD
Have an amazing day!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2017 ⏰

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