Spring Breeze- John x Reader

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[f/n]= first name


A yawn escapes my mouth as I stir in my bed. It is a Saturday morning, and boy is the sun bright today. Stretching, I make way to my window to see what the weather is like.

To my delight, it looks gorgeous today. Spring has finally taken hold: no  more cold, bleak days of winter. Don’t get me wrong, I like winter, at least for a while. But then I get tired of the cold, endless amount of white. Spring brings in fresh air, recolors the world in vibrant colors, and life is revived as all the animals return. I love spring.

You know what, I actually feel like being outside today! The weather is just too nice to resist. Hmm, today I think I will go to the park. All the flowers must be blooming there by now, it would be nice to see! So after dressing appropriately, I start my journey to the park.


Grinning, I push forward on the swing to exhilarate through the air once again. One, two, three...on the count of three I push myself off the swing, enjoying the brief moment of gliding through the air, as if flying, before my feet hit the ground with the slightly painful reminder that no, I cannot fly.

I return to the swing for another try, trying to see how far I can “fly.” I push and swing myself at a steady pace, trying to get the swing at its maximum height. One, two, three...I push myself off the swing, whooping as the air blows through my hair.

But then with a sudden jolt, my body is flung high up into the sky, as if the wind is carrying me.

A loud, piercing scream rips from me as I flail my arms around, being lifted higher and higher. A tornado? No, there is no tornado! What the hell is happening!?      

I’m ready to cry in panic when I spot a familiar pair of blue eyes, black messy hair, and bucktoothed grin. John Egbert is floating above me, snickering a bit.

I can only stare at him, eyes wide and mouth gaping. John...flying...the windy thing. It takes a moment before my mind can comprehend that John had used his wind powers to prank me. Feeling tears sting my eyes, I glare up at him. Normally I enjoy his pranks, finding them amusing and even adorable, but after being scared shitless I can’t really say I find it funny at the moment.

“You asshole!” I scream at him. “You scared the shit out of me!”

He grips his belly in laughter. “The look on your face, [f/n]! You looked like a magikarp! I wish I could of taken a picture!”

I grit my teeth, irritated that he didn’t see how upset I am. And woe is me, I’m the type that cries when I get too frustrated. Plus I am still shaky after being flung into the air, so my emotional control is a little unbalanced. A bit of tears drip down my face.

Seeing my reaction, John’s expression changes immediately to horror. “Oh no, no please don’t cry [f/n]! Aw man, that was a dick move, I didn’t mean to scare you that much. I’m so so so so so so so so sorry!” He emphasises, hands flailing in the air out of distraught.

I wipe away the tears, a bit embarrassed to be crying. Honestly, I can never stay mad at John. I simply like him too much, pranking and all. “I’m ok,” I reassure him. “But you have to make it up to me, bigtime!”

He sighs in relief, then once again smiles at me. I feel the wind stir as I am moved closer to him, so that I am staring directly into his deep blue eyes. So blue it’s unfair. He places his hand on my head, ruffling my hair a bit and making my face warm slightly at the touch. “Ok! How about I make it up to you today?”

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2014 ⏰

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