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Haruka Isana (First Name-Last Name)Age: 15Birthday: 13th JuneHeight: 175 cmGender: Obviously male

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Haruka Isana (First Name-Last Name)
Age: 15
Birthday: 13th June
Height: 175 cm
Gender: Obviously male.
Quirk: Adaption
Appearance: Has greyish blue hair that pass off as black most of the time and greyish blue eyes that look more blue.

Quirk Information
His Adaption quirk is just as the name implies. His body is able to adapt to anything. Like, he can become fireproof if he's tossed into a fire. He can grow wings if he's thrown off a building or defy gravity or become as light as paper.

He can also apply his quirk onto one or two other people but with the cost that he couldn't use his quirk on himself. The same applies on himself vice versa. If he wants to apply his quirk onto more people including himself, he will have to absorb other's quirk in order to fuel his energy to expand and spread out. Like a WiFi extender or an amplifier.

Due to this, if tons of people uses their quirk on him at once. He can absorb them into his body and blast them all back.

Not only that, he can also apply his Adaption quirk onto his surroundings but no longer applied to himself if he does so. The other way round vice versa.

Weakness: Due to the fact he is actually using his quirk throughout the whole day, he needs tons of sleep to replenish his energy. That's why he would appear sleepy or lethargic at times. His movements are also sluggish and slow when he's tired.

He can also only adapt himself to an opponent's quirk one at a time. Unless he change his body adaption to something which can counter all the attacks.

His quirk also activates at night when he's asleep, which is a force of habit. Only when he's sure he's safe, he will deactivate his quirk.

Extra Info: His body itself literally have a built in intuition towards danger.





The sound of fire burning the building was clear to the child's ears. So loud, so clear, like the sound of water rushing in a river.

The smell of smoke was unbearable for him, just a harmless gas that's capable of suffocating him. Yet, it wasn't a crime for that state of matter. An innocent murderer.

All he could do was sit on the floor, the heat making the tears on his face burn. His bruised hands were holding onto both of his parents hands, praying that they'll stay alive till help have arrived.

His consciousness slowly slipping away...


Haruka jolted up on his bed, sweat beading on his forehead. His hands were clenching onto his blanket tightly while his eyes seems to be darting all around him.

"M-Mum! Dad!—?!"

"It's just a dream, Haru. You're alright now."

Haruka choked back on his sob while tears ran down from his eyes. He felt himself being pulled out of his nightmare when he was hugged tightly. Haruka snapped his eyes up to see that it was none other than his cousin.

"Hi-Hitoshi...t-they..they..the fire..."

The indigonette gazed down at the other as his hand gently patted his back to calm Haruka down. "It was just a dream, Haru. A dream."

Haruka's sobs slowly became small sniffles until he was no longer crying. Hitoshi looked at him while using his thumb to wipe away the wet traces left behind by the tears.

"Hey now...did you forget what today is?" He asked, an attempt to distract the brunette's away from his nightmare with an event that both were looking forward to.

Haruka tilted his head, his eyes showing his confusion. Hitoshi chuckled at that and flicked his forehead. "It's the physical entrance exam to UA High, baka."

"Wait, that's today?!"

"Yeah, go get ready before I drag you there in your pyjamas."

Haruka was already dashing right through the wall to his bathroom by the time Hitoshi finished his sentence. "Wow, rude."

"I heard that!"


"Uwaah!~" Haruka awed at the sight of the UA school building, both him and his cousin were in their sportswear. From what he could see, there were a lot of students assembled in front of Ground Beta, the place where their test would be taken place.

Haruka remembered the briefing they were given by Present Mic, saying that there were five robots ranging from zero to four. He can gained points by destroying them.

"Urgh...I'm going to fail this test, aren't I?" Hitoshi let out a rather frustrated sigh, knowing fully well that his Quirk won't be of any use.

"Well, if you think of it the other way, you can still use your Quirk to pass!" Haruka brightly said, patting the other on the shoulder. "Just order them to destroy the robots for you!"

Hitoshi seemed to have thought about it as he nodded after a while. "You as well, only one, remember?"

"To fool them away from my actual Quirk, right? Got it."

"And for your safety as well." The brainwasher added and only sighed when the other gave him a nonchalant grin before looking around to observe the other students' Quirk.

And the exam started.

Both the cousins soon split up, going to opposite directions in hope of covering a rather larger area where the robots might appear.

Haruka was quick to adapt his surroundings to his needs, making a vacuum space area in the air above the roads and junctions each time he passed one. He grinned when he heard someone shout and something getting lifted up into the air.

Haruka turned just to see that he had successfully caught three robots which are now suspended in the air. He then made the vacuum pockets of air to either tear them apart or crush them together. Earning him 15 points.

The adapter quickly dashed into a corner, doing a crushing motion with his hand as he kept running, the air vacuuming two more robots together, crushing them with the air pressure. This managed to save a group of students who were fighting off their own robots.

Using the air vacuum, he sucked himself up into the air and created a vacuumed air passageway winding around the buildings, sending him flying with ease as he looked over the fighting and destroying all the robots that his eyes landed on.

Haruka was quick to launch another air passage to suck him away to another direction when a robot came out of nowhere.

'What the fuck???!!!! THIS IS A ZERO POINT ROBOT??!!'

Seeing this, he quickly controlled his surrounding air to sucked the students out of the way, just in time to hear a loud yell of "SMASH!!!" Along with a loud bang, followed along with a now defeated zero point robot.

It wasn't long for his eyes to land on a rather beaten up student with a broken arm laying on the road.

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