Chapter 1

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It's the first day of senior year.Ugh i'm so glad I have one more year till i leave this hell hole. I was so tired of my teachers and all those fake ass people . I just have to get this year done and over so I can leave Chicago and get the hell away from here

As i'm walking down the ramp to the blue line train. I hear something buzzing coming from my bag. I turn my bag around so it's faced in front of me. I reach for the smallest pocket and brag my phone. I take my bag off my shoulders and put it on my back again. I look at my phone.

Caller ID - Chris 😍🙄✌🏽

I slide the green answer button and hold it up to my ear.

" What do you want Christopher?" I said, showing my annoyance

"Damn , so we using government names now ?" He asked like this was a joke. I could practically hear him smirking through the phone

"You know what you did" I scoffed.

"No , i don't " he was making me more mad than ever now.

Ugh, I hate it when he acts slow and pretends he doesn't know anything. You're probably wondering; "What did Christopher Maurice Brown do?".

It started with my best friend, well ex-best friend, Brianna. Basically, Brianna likes Chris. Every conversation we had always ends up being about him. She would say things like; "Chris is so fine", "Have you seen chris today?", and "Can you get chris with me?"

Things like that. At first i thought it was a joke, but it got worse. She went through my phone and gave Chris her number and pretended to be me so it would seem like i'm telling Chris to like her and take Brianna on a date. Until one day, i decided i was done with her bullshit so i went off on her.

Short story short, I told her that Chris will never like her and that she is a fake ass bitch, who hooks up with anyone in sight every time chris denies her. She slapped me out of anger and knowing that i was right. With me being the bitch that i am, i punched her in the face and slapped her right back.

I ended up with 2 weeks of detention but I wasn't alone; Chris was with me most of the time i was there. He would talk back to the teachers, get caught smoking, and other things he would do carelessly. At the time, i was dating a boy. My boyfriend was always jealous of Chris and our friendship. Every time he got mad at me, he would either pull me away from people and would just start kissing me forcefully and i could tell he was angry. Then, he would whisper in my ear; "You're mine and only mine", "He can't have you", "What can he do that i can't"

I know , i know i should've left him. I mean i thought about it but i didn't know how he would react. Emmanuel had serious anger issues. We used to go to the same church and eventually we got to know each other. After a while, we got together and started dating. After 6 months of dating, his anger finally started to surface; he would be mad and ignore me completely for no reason. The only thing he wouldn't do was put his hands on me. With him being the preacher's kid and all. I thought he wouldn't do such a thing or anything bad to me: I was wrong.

* Flashback *

I sat down on my bed and pulled out my laptop and my math textbook out of my bag. I unpacked the rest of my school belongings, becoming frustrated with how long my boyfriend was taking

"Come on, Emmanuel, hurry up " I shouted

"Damn, calm down, i'm taking a piss" He yelled , i could tell he was angry

"Ugh, Whatever"

I open my textbook and turn to the page we were working on in class .

Ping, Ping, Ping!

I grabbed my phone and turned it on to see a text from chris saying the him and my dad were on their way back from the gym. I open my phone and text him back. I hear the bathroom door creak open and throw my phone on the other side of the bed.

"What were you doing?" He asked

"Nothing, just texting Chris back" i replied

"Why is you always texting that nigga, is that your boyfriend? i think not " i could tell his voice was on the verge of getting louder.

"Chris, is my best friend, at least he's not and asshole like you" I said as i walked up to him and looked him in the face. I knew it was going to make him even madder. I'm done being his bitch.

"What the fuck you just say to me?" he growled in a low voice. I wasn't going to be intimidated by him anymore.

" I SAID YOUR AN ASSHO-!" I shouted but he cut me off by grabbing me by the throat while pinning me against the wall.

" Lani, don't ever call me that. You're mine and only mine. Chris is nothing but a greedy motherfucker who wants what's mine. So just for that i'm going to be something worse than an asshole" He whispers in my ear while he slides his right hand towards my pants.

" E-Emmanuel s-stop," I stuttered as I gasped for air.

"This is what you get, just don't move," He whispered as he kissed on my neck.

As he removed his hand from my neck and moved them down to my waist, with all my might, I get out of his hold and run straight towards the door. Before I can even reach the knob, I feel two strong hands on my waist again pulling me back. With tears running down my cheeks and the chance that i get I yell out these names; "Chris! Dad! Mom!"

" You can't run away from me" he said in a low growl as he pulls me towards his body and covers my mouth.

He starts to walk backwards towards my bed and lays me down. He spreads my legs as he slowly crawls up toward my face. He starts kissing my neck, i'm too afraid to push him away. I hear my dog bark uncontrollably. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. It's my chance.

"Help! Dad! Chris!"

Emmanuel glares up at me.

"oh , you bitch " He says in a low voice as he starts to forcefully remove my pants. He quickly unbuckles his belt and pulls down his boxers. I put my hands on his chest trying to push him away from me. Can Chris hurry up already.

I hear the door bang open and I see chris run in with my dad following behind him.

"Get the fuck off of her man! " He yells

Chris grabs emmanuel by his waist ,flips him over and throws him on the ground.

My dad runs over to me and holds me tight while he adjust my clothes. I look over to Chris and see him on top of Emmanuel punching him left and right. It's like everything was happening so fast. I tried to get up and pull chris off of emmanuel but my dad pulled me back. I suddenly feel tears roll down my eyes. I could've gotten raped or worse.

I look back at chris and I look at emmanuel's face. There's blood coming out of his nose and a black eye forming on his right eye.

"Chris , you're going to kill him!" i yelled through tears

"That's my goal, he could've hurt you, Kehlani" Chris says while continuing to punch him

"Chris stop, call the police and they will handle it" My dad says in a strong tone.

Chris removed himself from emmanuel, who was half unconscious, and came over to me and my dad and joined us in a group hug. At that moment i knew that, one; chris would protect me at any cost and two; that I Kehlani Parrish is in love with Chris Browni

*Flashback end*

* Authors note :

What do u guys think ? Do u like it ? do u hate it ?

Lemme know

Comment if u want to be a character ?

Should i involve Chris's music and his fame in this or not ?

Sorry for errors and spelling 🤷🏽‍♀️😁
I also need help with the cast ... if u guys want me to switch ppl around or give me more characters to add that's fine

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