"its look like you'll cry a river, dith."
"i stand it."
"hey juditho! it wont be long. wait me for a year, and i'll be your bacot buddies again."
"dith.. seriously dith are you crying?"
"you can see."
"i mean, what a crybaby! gausah sedih dith. gue cuma mau afs bukan jadi tki disana. pasti balik kok!"
"gausah sedih ngapa.."
"its because i like you. gue ga rela misah sama lo."
jung jaehyun as juditho hasibuan
a/n waw lately aku mabok ff lokal wowowoowow ada rekomendasi ff lokal yg bagus ga??
lyrics - k boys ✔
Kısa Hikayebukan tempat karaoke, cuma separuh lirik yang ngepas sama situasi. drabble collection. ©eatjahe 2017 +au +lowercase +local name +was #18 in SS