Chapter One

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The world has changed in a way that no one had ever expected. We all knew that our government would end up going to war with someone, with how things were going. It just so happened that The United States had gone to war with China who had developed a virus that was supposed to attack our bodies. They knew that the United States would have many people that were armed within their homes if they tried to infiltrate our country. So, instead they chose to pussy their way out and introduce a virus into some of our military who were headed home. It is still unknown how they managed to introduce that virus, but it was effective in a way.

This virus killed all those that were infected, but it also brought them back to life in a sense. They were what we had only seen on tv, mindless zombies out to infect anyone they could get their hands on. What the Chinese didn't account for was that not all the military infected were going home, and so it was also introduced into their country and spread like any other virus would. Here we are today, battling the mindless hoards that are adamant about getting the rest of us infected.

"Stacey, you got one coming up on your right!" I yelled towards her as we barreled down a dirt road in the back of a truck. She quickly brought up her bat and swung with all her might at the head of a second level mindless as it tried to get in the back of our truck. Her bat struck true, and it tumbled to the ground getting left in our dust.

"Good eye Cass." She said with a huff as she settled back in her corner of the truck and wiped her aluminum bat off with a dirty cloth. Nothing like the sight of fresh mindless blood in the morning.

Mindless was what we called those that were infected, because they didn't have any mind left. Well, any mind that wasn't dead set on eating the people that were still alive and kicking. There were somewhat levels of the virus once someone gets bitten. The first levels are the slowest, and usually aren't a problem unless they are in a pack together. First levels were the most common. Then there are the second level mindless that are much quicker. These are less common and pose more of a threat, because they can run as fast as us. Then you had the last level, which is third level mindless that are the least common. They are predators, and hunt us with unnatural speed. If you are alone when a third level comes out, you can pretty much kiss your ass goodbye.

Like in the movies, the mindless could be killed with a blow to the brain. Unlike in the movies, they detested fire. There is a theory that the only thing that could have destroyed the virus before being introduced to a host was high heat. Some people think that has carried over to those infected. Either way, having a huge ass bonfire going around a camp was the way to go.

"I can't believe that we didn't find any more food than that." Stacey said while looking at the meager supplies that we found. There wasn't much left in the surrounding towns, and we would have to figure something else out soon.

I sighed already knowing that the others would be disappointed. Myself, Stacey, and Brad, who was currently driving very badly if I do say so myself, were the runners of our group. The others at camp were older or too young to do anything besides be on the lookout.

The truck hit a pond sized hole in the dirt road and I knew that we were almost back at camp. Once Brad started to slow down to wait for the makeshift wooden gates to open I decided to jump out of the back of the truck and ran into the woods. I couldn't bear to see the disappointed looks on the faces of those at camp, especially my mom who was our makeshift leader. She put others before herself, and this was how we came about having so many people in our home. It has been almost a year now, and we were doing a good job of surviving, but there was only so much food that we could scavenge. We needed more, and I planned to get it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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