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Okay, so before I get into the story, I would just like to say that there might be (and probably will be) mistakes in this book. I'm not a very experienced writer, all that I know about writing being from the *fantastic* British Education system, that's why I would like to get started on here and improve my skills since it is one of my passions. This is my first book on Wattpad, and I am a young!writer (only 14) so please go easy on me, I am trying my best. If there are mistakes, and you do spot them, just send me a little message and I'll try my best to fix them. I am open to constructive criticism, but please don't send hate. That's all, thank you. I will now attempt not to bore you to death :)

Trees. Trees absolutely everywhere. How was he supposed to find anyone in a place so... green? Better question yet, how did anyone live in there, and not get lost? Everything looked the same; every turn, every tree, there was no visible difference in anything. Those questions ran through his head as even the slightest snap of a twig, or the rustle of a leaf, had him spinning in circles, ready to strike whatever was behind him. Of course, there was nothing there, but the paranoia made the hairs on the back of his neck rise, and the palms of his hands sweat as he shuddered out a breath. The first mistake was made as soon as he accepted the task, but it was too late to turn back now- he had already entered their territory, and it was only a matter of minutes before they noticed the intruder. The mere thought of being discovered by one of them had his insides churning in fear, Goddess knows what they would do to him, especially if they found out who he worked for.

Why he had agreed to do this in the first place was beyond him, no one in their right mind would voluntarily break into the Rogues territory- the chance of making it out was very slim, those who went in usually didn't return... or at least not alive. The task he had to complete was simple- find the ex-Alpha and pass on a message- only that's not how things worked in the Rogue world. To be granted access to the Rogue lands you either had to be one, or be in the close circle of the Queen (which wasn't very big, since she wasn't too fond of people). He knew that death was almost certain if he was seen by anyone other than the ex-Alpha, but even he was someone the young man was terrified of.

The directions he needed were fresh in his mind, having had memorised them in preparation days before, all he needed to do was actually find the man and deliver the message from his master.

"Go past the broken sign post and head along the stream," his voice shook as whispered to himself, eyes darting from one tree to another, hoping to catch any movement between them, "the trees should give way to the path between-"

That was the second mistake he had made, speaking out loud; even if it wasn't above a whisper, it was just loud enough to be heard. Which was exactly why he now lay there, slumped against a tree, head lulled to the side, and eyes glazed over with a permanent look of fear that will never leave his features. That single mistake, the slightest uttering of words, cost a young warrior his life. A teenager, barely seventeen, sent by the King into the land of the Rogues, to complete a task that was utterly unnecessary and completely avoidable- only to have a gaping hole torn into his chest, right where his heart should have been.

"When will he realise that sending his pathetic warriors in here is only going to end up in more funerals for him to attend?" Cold, malicious, deadly. That's what they described her as in the packs- a force of nature not to be reckoned with, someone who will kill you in a heartbeat. "He sends a child in here, hoping I will spare his life and let him go. Clearly, someone needs a reality check. Throw him over the fence, and make it look like a violent attack, let this be a warning to them, let the King know that mercy is not a word we abide by. Let him know that I will do the same to his wolves as he does to mine; this war has officially begun, and we're going to win, even if I have to kill him myself."

As expected, the patrollers that bore the young man's blood, hoisted him off the ground and moved with the practice of several years through the looming trees, taking the same path the now dead boy took moments before his life was stolen from him. It was a daunting feeling that settled over her as she watched the two men disappear from sight with the limp body of a clueless victim hanging from their shoulders. Those were the moments when she wanted it to be the King hanging there, the one to have had his heart ripped out; he deserved it for what he was making his men do, knowing the exact consequences his actions would have, and not giving a damn about them. It angered her beyond belief, but there was nothing to be done, except fight back and show him exactly who they were. Killing his soldiers seemed to be the best option for her with their current situation and the prize placed on her head.

She knew the effect it would have on them; the 'domestics', as she liked to call them, would start an uproar, demanding revenge for the young life, and the several others before, lost. But what those pack dwellers didn't know was that causing a protest was the Rogue Queen's desire; she wanted them to attempt to fight against her Empire, she wanted a battle that would finally show the Nobles who she was; that would teach them to back down, because if they didn't, she might just have to make a trip to go see them, despite the threat they could potentially be, and we can all guess how that would end...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2018 ⏰

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