What Happened

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What happened to just being friends?
You know, you find something in common and you hit it off right there.
What happened to listening to others?
To actually caring to what they say and caring about the truth.
But, in the end, what happened to US!
To the friendship we had.
I know you don't trust people, that they've hurt you,
Well... maybe the rumors say I have
But do you even care to listen to me?
No.... I mean listen, to the point where it actually sinks in
Or did you not care?
Had everyone already gotten to you?
But has it ever occurred to you that not everything you hear is the truth!
That sometimes people are more loyal than you think.
That maybe they know what it feels like to be cheated on.
But once again, loyalty isn't even a question
People start talking and you start listening
"Hey, you know how your girlfriend is just friends with her? Well, turns out they're more than just that."
And then you're livid.
And it's like nothing else matters
The rumors are the truth, no matter what
But have you ever heard of the term outgoing?
In which you're very kind.
So kind that you don't even notice it.
But again, whatever happened to being friends?
You know, where being nice to someone and having similarities would never be a question.
But I guess none of that matters anymore.

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