C h a p t e r 4 - e x p o s e d

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"Right now?" He questioned

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"Right now?" He questioned. "What about my prize?"

I unlocked my phone and there was so many messages from my brother that I couldn't focus on Taehyung.


I looked up at him, "U-m Taehyung, I really have to go home...." I stuttered.

"What, do you also have a bedtime?" He teased as he was really eager for his prize.

10: 10, it's getting more late.

"Hm?" He rose an interested brow and put his glowing cigarette to his chapped lips.

"N-No I just- I'll see you around..." I said hastily.

I quickly waved goodbye, smoke leaving his lips. Then I felt a grip on my wrist.

'Taehyung?' I thought.

"I'll walk you home." He volunteered himself.

"No it's fine-"

Then he interrupted.

"I'm walking you home, okay?"

I slowly but confusedly nodded as we started walking...

It was maybe because of what happened earlier...


"Yeah..." I answered knowing what his question might've been.

"So my prize, what is it?" He asked casually.

"Your prize? What did you have in mind..." I considered.

He thought for a while, "I would really want...." He came closer to my ear, "you...."

My cheeks became flushed with embarrassment and my eyes slightly widened.

"Y-You want me?" I said hoping it was a misunderstanding.

He chuckled, "Um, not really, You're not really my type." He took another breath of smoke.

"But I would  actually really want a pack of Marlboro cigarettes and a new lighter."

I rolled my eyes, knowing how dumb I was. Of course he would as for that. I thought.

"Okay then Taehyung, That's your prize." I said blandly.

He took the cigarette from his lips as the smoke was exhaled from his mouth again.

He looked at me.

"We're here."

"T-Thanks..." I shyly said, and he just nodded in return.

He stood on his cigarette, exhaling the last breath of smoke before entering his house without saying goodbye.

I sighed slowly opening my door before closing it.

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